Chapter 36 : The Possible End

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"Why are you acting like this? Shouldn't it be the other way around?", Jinyoung said, annoyed, considering that he was the one who received questionable photos of her with another man.

"Excuse me?", Jisoo scoffed, "You're one to talk.", Jisoo muttered.

"What?", Jinyoung said.

"What are you doing behind my back?", Jisoo asked seriously, facing him.

"What is it now?", Jinyoung said in an annoyed tone.

"Answer me.", she said.

"What's the matter with you?", Jinyoung said.

Jisoo let out a hollow laugh as she dried her hands and went out of the kitchen and headed for the stairs, Jinyoung followed after her.

"I'm not done talking to you.", Jinyoung said, they passed by the living room and Jiyeon heard them and she could tell that they were arguing.

"I'm done Jinyoung, I'm done talking.", Jisoo spat, stopping in her tracks and turning to face him, Jinyoung could tell that she had been crying due to her bloodshot eyes.

"Is that all you know Jisoo? Running away from your problems, running away from me?", Jinyoung scoffed, Jisoo rolled her eyes and headed towards their shared master.

Jinyoung closed the door behind him after they were already inside their room.

"Why are you acting like this when clearly you have some explaining to do.", Jinyoung said angrily.

"Excuse me? No I don't.", Jisoo shot.

"Then what can you say about these?", Jinyoung said as he threw the photos of Jisoo and Minho on the dressing table.
Jisoo took them and scoffed.

"Now you're spying on me?!! I can't believe you don't trust me that much.", Jisoo said in disbelief.

"Why should I trust you when you're seeing someone else behind my back?", Jinyoung spat without thinking, Jisoo couldn't believe her ears.

"Excuse me?!!! I'm not the one who left his wife behind to go sleep with an ex-girlfriend!!!", Jisoo yelled, heavy breathing and the words that just came out of her mouth took Jinyoung aback, Jiyeon who was at the stairs outside was shocked to hear them arguing like that, she stayed there, eavesdropping.

"What did you just say?!!! Sleep with her?!!! I went there to work Jisoo!!", Jinyoung shot back. "Why do you keep bringing Taera into our fights?!!", Jinyoung asked, raged.

"Because she's always the cause of it!!! That's why!!! And the worst part of it all is you let her be the cause of it!!!", Jisoo yelled, eyes glassy.

"No I don't!! You keep mentioning her in every fight we have!! How many times do I have to tell you, we have nothing!!! Yes I dated her but I'm married to you now, she's completely out of the picture!! Stop making her the cause of our arguments!!", Jinyoung said, raising his voice, and it made her flinch, he has never yelled at her like that.

"Then why was she the one who answered your call in the middle of the night yesterday?!! Why?!!!", Jisoo yelled, her tears betraying her, "You're a liar, you're a liar!! You said you loved me and this is what you do to me behind my back, you're a liar!!!", Jisoo said as she cried, pushing him repeatedly, causing him to stumble, Jinyoung steadied himself and grabbed her wrists to calm her down.

For Worse,For Better,and Forever | GOT7 Park Jinyoung | BLACKPINK Kim Jisoo Where stories live. Discover now