"I'm thinking. Just give me a minute. First Neji is killed, now my parents are here. Oh jeez, my brain can't handle this crap."

"Dad." I hear Naruto say and I look at him as Naruto looks at an older version of himself. 

"Eh? I'm not the only one? Yuki? James? When did you guys get here?" 

"Minato, its been a while. Lord Orochimaru brought us back for the most part, it was just now. We felt Sora's chakra spike and we wanted to come to see if she needed back up." Yuki says to him.

The Minato guy looks at me. "You must be Sora. Yuki and James' daughter. I'm Minato, the fourth Hokage."

I freak out a little. "Eh? Naruto? Your the son of the fourth?" I ask him surprised.

Naruto laughs nervously. "I thought I already told you." 

I hit Naruto on the head. "I've been going from country to country remember? You know for missions? I take more than ANBU sometimes." I say to him.

The three adults laugh at us.

I blush embarrassed. "Dang it, now I'm embarrassed." 

Sakura and Sasuke watch amused.

"Sora, embarrassed? That's a new one." Sakura says to Sasuke.

I place a hand on my face embarrassed and I slice another thing that was coming after me. 

"Even when she's distracted she's still on high alert." Minato says surprised.

"That's my daughter for ya." James says to him with a smirk.

"Sora, get over it." Tails says to me.

I glance around out of the corner of my eye, assessing everything.

"Sakura, you take that group over there. Sasuke, take that group. Naruto, Lord Fourth, take that group. Mom, Dad, take that group. I'll take that one." I say to them. "Sai, Tails, take to the sky and watch our backs." 

"I don't have to listen to you." Naruto says to me.

"Naruto, just do it or I'm beating your skull in later when I beat in Sasuke's." I say to him.

"Yes Ma'am." Naruto says quickly.

Me and Sai nod and he and Tails jump on one of his birds that he drew. They take to the sky.

Sasuke smirks. "You sure you can handle it? Miss Mimicry."

"Sasuke, I'll make sure to tear your eyes out later if you say that again." I say to him.

"Your daughter is scary." Minato sulks.

"She's always been like this. She's scary when she wants to be and sweet at other times." Sakura says to him.

I turn on my heel and I hold my Katana out in front of me. "Kimiki Secret Jutsu: Weapon Multiply." I say while doing a few hand signs. My Katana multiplies into 30 Katana's. "Weapon Hold." My Katana's levitate in front of me with my chakra.

"Still showing off are you?" Sasuke asks with a smirk.

I shoot them and they take out most of my group. "No, its just a faster way of getting rid of the enemy."

"Yeah, whatever you say. Your using up chakra." Sasuke says to me.

I scowl at him. "I bet I don't use as much chakra as you do when you use your Sharigan." 

"That's off topic." Sasuke says to me.

"Sure it is. I just bet you can't admit that I'm right and your wrong." I say with a smirk.

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