chapter three:learning of the.deception

Start from the beginning

Tori and jac were battling the monster hoping to win the battle, until Only one? That's not very impressive," he mocked. "Better hop to it!" he jumped into the air, firing at the two girls. Tori and Jac danced out of the way, although a few shots managed to hit the White Ranger. She de-morphed from the power of the shots, standing up next to Tori shakily and holding her arm. "Guess it's not Morphin' Time after all, is it? Ha-ha-ha, low tides for you, Malibu Beach bunnies."

Three weird-looking fish like devices appeared in front of the girls, blowing up a second later. Both girls were sent flying, but both stood up, backing away with their arms up in defensive positions.

"Come closer, Rangers; you're not afraid of a few warps, are you?" the monster mocked, stepping closer to the two girls as they kept taking steps back.

"Hang on, Tori! I'm coming!" both girls looked up when they heard Blake's voice, and saw, with amazement, that he was riding towards them on his motocross bike, his protective gear on. "Eat some beach," Blake rode around the monster and stopped next to the two girls. "Run!" he exclaimed.

"Blake?" Tori asked in confusion.

"I'll distract him!" Blake went around the girls and back to the monster.

"No! Stop! Don't!" Tori and Jac yelled, but Blake ignored them. The monster jumped over Blake, avoiding him. "Hey! Watch your back!" Tori yelled to Blake, causing the boy to look over his shoulder. The monster shot at Blake a few times, causing the boy in blue to fall off his bike.

"Ha-ha got him!" the monster exclaimed in glee, not noticing when both Tori and Jac ran forward, jumping into the air, and kicking the monster on the back. He stumbled a little and turned his attention back onto the girls. "That hurt," he said. Tori started to fight him off while Jac went to make sure Blake was alright. "And now, my polytrons will finish the job!" the monster exclaimed after flipping Tori over and throwing her away from him.

"Tori!" Jac left Blake to run to her friend, but he beat her to it, getting onto his bike and getting in front of the attack meant for Tori. Andy reached her friend's side.

"No!" Tori yelled, running over to Blake, who had, once again, fallen off of his bike.

"So much water, so little time! Well, catch ya later! Bye-bye!" With that, the monster disappeared.

"Blake!" Tori reached Blake, Jac not far behind her, and collapsed to her knees at his side.

"Is he okay?" Jac asked, coming to a stop next to her and leaning on her hands, which were now on her knees hoping that blake was alright, tori said: "I don't know yet; Blake! Are you alright?" Tori asked him. Blake managed to get his helmet off, but he lay on his stomach, groaning in pain. Tori managed to turn him onto his back, and saw three polytrons on his chest. "Jac, go find Hunter," Tori ordered the younger girl.

"What are you gonna do?" Jac asked, not willing to leave.

"I'm gonna take Blake to Ops, maybe Cam can help him," Tori said.

"What? Are you crazy? Sensei will kill you, and what if Cam can't help? We should take him to Billy or Jason, or something!" Jac exclaimed, knowing that Cam probably could help Blake, but wouldn't be happy if Tori took him to Ops.

"Cam can help him, and Sensei won't have to know. Now go!" Tori ordered, standing up and helping Blake.

Seeing the look on Tori's face, Jac sighed in defeat. "All right. But after I tell Hunter that Blake's okay, I'm going to Ops. Cam asked for my help for something, anyway," Jac told Tori before ninja-streaking away. Figuring that Hunter was probably at the dirt-track, she went there. But instead of Hunter, she found Dustin and Shane.

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