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Someday you'll look back
And see the river of memories.
Of the smiles with old friends,
Of meeting the new.
The tears you shed
And the heartache you bled
When your hopes and dreams didn't go as planned.

Sometimes you'll miss what you had
When worries never mattered
And laughter was guaranteed.
You'll blink away the river of tears,
And smile out at me.

Sometimes when the days get hard
And the weeks drag on,
You'll wonder what the future looks like,
If the day's will continue on.

Someday when you're grey and old,
And the tears and rivers of drama have dried up
No long butchering your soul,
You'll think back to those memories,
When you were young and bold,
And didn't care about the cold.
You'll remember me, and you'll remember you.
You'll remember laughs and tears and ferris wheels
With beautiful summer nights and annoying flying flies.

Someday the rivers will flow without you.
Long after you're memories have settled in with you.

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