Chapter Seven: A Death in the Rose House.

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Axl and I had had sex at least ten more times before he had to leave again. It was amazing every time, I absolutely loved it.

"I wish you didn't have to leave me again." I said kissing him.

"I wish I didn't either. I love you so much. Amy, I have been wanting to do this for awhile now and I think I'm ready to do it. Close your eyes." I done as I was told and closed my eyes. I felt him take a hold of my hand and I couldn't help but smile. "Amy Lynn Lee will you marry me and become Mrs Axl Rose?" I opened my eyes to see him down on one knee and a little purple velvet box containing a beautiful diamond ring. There was a huge square diamond in the middle of several small ones and it was white gold! He remembered that I hate good. Tears welled up in my eyes, I couldn't believe it.

"Yes of course I'll marry you!!" He shot to his feet and wrapped me in his loving arms. He then stood back and slid the beautiful ring on my finger. 

"I think I wanna quickie before I leave." He said while kissing me.

"You think you do?" I laughed as I slid my hand down his pants and grabbed his junk.

"Oh god yes I do." He said picking me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I was wearing a white lacy skirt and tank top that he had bought me. It never got too cold in California, even though it was October. We only had fifteen minutes to do it though before he had to head to the airport and meet back up with the band in Texas. Even though we couldn't take our time like usual, it was still amazing! Every second of it was spectacular!

"When you come see me again, we're making wedding plans. I'm telling the world we're engaged too by the way!" I yelled as he headed to the rental car he had from the airport.

"Anything you want baby! I Love you!"

"I love you too!" And my darling fiance was gone again. I loved saying that, I could really get used to that word, fiance. I smiled to myself at the thought of it. I then decided it was time to call up Brooke and announce the good news. Katrina and I still weren't talking since I confronted her about trying to sleep with Axl.

*One Month Later*

I woke suddenly in the middle of the night to the sound of glass breaking. It scared me horribly, that could only mean that someone has broken in. It scared me now more than it ever would in the past for the fact that I just found out last week that I'm pregnant. I hadn't told Axl yet, I wanted it to be a surprise. I decided that I would try to make it to the phone in Axl's office down the hall. It was storming bad outside for November and I was hoping that it was just a limb that broke the glass. I made my way down the hall when the electric blew. Oh god no, what would I do now? I was pulled away from my thoughts when I was grabbed from behind. I screamed out and began fighting the person.

"Oh no sweetheart, you're not getting away that easily, not this time!" I heard Shawn's voice in my ear and began to cry. "I heard all about your little engagement to that parasite." He had me in a chest hold, I couldn't move. He dragged me into mine and Axl's bedroom and threw me on the bed.

"No Shawn, please don't!" I screamed.

"Why shouldn't I? You're mine!"

"Please Shawn, I'm pregnant!"

"All the more reason to do it then. Now don't your move or I'll be forced to use this."  He showed me his switchblade knife. He began ripping away at my clothes when I remembered the gun Axl kept in the nightstand. If I could just get to it, I'd be ok.

I began fighting him and he put the knife to my stomach. I was scared but a protective instinct took over and I head butted him and took the knife from him. I got up quickly and he grabbed my ankle, tripping me abd throwing the knife from my hand. I fell to the ground beside the nightstand and he got on me again and began choking me. I could feel myself going unconscious. I slowly reached my hand up to the nightstand drawer, he wasn't paying attention, only focusing on trying to kill me. I opened the drawer and reached in, feeling the gun immediately. I then cocked it and put it to his head, and found just enough strength to pull the trigger. I screamed out when blood splattered all over my face and my chest. I then heard footsteps rushing up the stairs.

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