Chapter 3

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My head snaps back to my sister and she looks at me and laughs, "Don't act all crazy Regan. Just calm down. Breath in, breath out."

I do what she says and everyone starts eating.

"So Regan what do kids do around her for fun?"

"Um, well, lots things," I fumble with my words and then start to cough.

Damn it Regan get ahold of yourself!

"Are you okay?" Anna looks at my worryingly.

"Yeah, just choked, I'll be fine. Can I get some water please?"

"Noah go get some water for Regan. It's in the ice chest."

I grab the water and thank him and drink until the attention is off of me.


I managed to get through the lunch without embarrassing myself again. Joe didn't even notice me, which is good.

I'm sweating I'm so nervous, and it's so damn hot.

The boys started playing football again but this time Joe joined in.

I can't believe Tofuugaming lives next door. You should talk to him. No he'll probably think you're a freak. He's so much cuter in person. Stop Regan!


I look up to see Anna and I smile, "Hey"

"So what's your school like?" She sits down next to me at the table.

"Uh, well it's mostly like every other typical high school, but we have a really good Culinary Arts program and a good Computer Technology program."

"Oh really? Joe knows a lot about computers," she gives me a warm smile.

Oh courses he know about computers.

"So what do you like to do? Like what are your hobby?"

"Uh, I really like to cook and bake."

"Really? Maybe sometime you can come over and teach me and Joe so that he can cook dinner when I have to work late."

"Uh, sure," I nod my head, "So how are you liking your new-"

Oh no! She hasn't told me she got a new job! I only know because Joe said so in his video.

"How am I liking what?"

"Uh, your new house?"

"Oh, well it's nice. It's a lot bigger then our old house."

"Oh well that good."

"Yeah, so anyway, maybe sometime next week you can come over and we can get that cooking lesson?"

"Yeah sounds like a plan."

Oh gosh I can't believe I'm going to teach Tofuugaming how to cook.


I locked myself in the house the rest of the weekend and week, trying to think of what I'm going to say to Joe.

You should tell him you know him, I mean what's the worst that can happen?

My sister bugged me the whole week, trying to get me to go talk to him, but I just couldn't do it. She thinks it's so funny seeing me so nervous.


I was getting ready to go to Joe's house to teach him and his mom how to cook and I was still so nervous. I hadn't thought of what I was going to say to him.

As I was walking down the stairs I heard the phone ringing. I ran down to the kitchen and picked it up.



"Oh hey Anna. What's up?"

"Oh well I'm really sorry, but some stuff came up at work so I won't be able to make it tonight."

"Oh so do you want me to come another night?"

"No. no it's okay. Joe is home alone right now, Nosh left for a new friends house, and he was looking forward to the lesson, so if you can still go over there and show him that be wonderful."

"Uh, sure I don't mine."

"Thanks sweetie. It will be much easier without Noah there so this all worked out."

"Oh okay"

"Well I have to good. See you later. Bye"


Oh crap! You can't do this alone and you have no one to go with you. I'm so going to die.

I walk out the door and walk across the lawn and as I walk to their door it opens and Joe stands in the doorway


"Hi," I say shyly.

How did he know I was here?

"I was watching tv in the living room and saw you walk up so..." he trailed off, looking at the floor.

"Oh, well okay. Uh, your mom said you still wanted to learn, but if you don't that's fine."

"No, I do. It sounds like a lot of fun. I already set up in the kitchen."

"Oh cool," I walk slowly to the door and he moves out of the way. I walk past him and I into the kitchen.

"So," he pauses and looks at me.


"Yeah," he laughs, "So Reagn where did you learn how to cook."

"I used to watch a lot of the Food Network and the Cooking Channel. Well I mean I still do, but I'm kinda busy, with other stuff."

"Oh well what else do you like to do?"

"Just, normal stuff," I mumble.

I look around the kitchen and see the stuff to make cookies.

"So I guess we will start."

"Okay," he said cheerfully.


I was showing him the basic dough for chocolate chip cookies when my phone went off.

"Oh sorry," I rush to another room.


"Regan what the heck man! You didn't tell me that Joe lived next to you!"

"Abby who told you?"

"Uh, well," she gets quite.


"Yes," she mumbles

I sigh, " Look I'm busy right now I'll call you later okay?"

"Wait are you with him? That's so cute, you two would be perfect!"

I hang up the phone without saying another word.


This is a shorter chapter, sorry. I'll try to make them longer, but no promises! Lol okay, have a great rest of your day (night?)

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