Mondblume (Moonflower)

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 Orchid walked through the door at the end of the metal walkway. Hoping for a bed to rest on, she only found herself back in the forest. Her legs collapsed underneath her.

“Are you okay?” She asked the boys through fat lips. Her face partially buried in the lush grass and moss.

Bill nodded, “I'm more worried about you.”

“I'm okay.” She replied simply. Within moments the wounds were gone, but the aches were still very painful.

“Come on, we'll help you up.” Bill offered, Tom sat back a little ways, slightly uncomfortable with where the conversation was leading.

“I don't think so. You guys are only eighty centimeters tall, it'd take a miracle for you two to carry me back.”

“Not a miracle,” Bill started, “Maybe if you said that chant a few times.” He led in with a sly grin.

“No!” Tom suddenly interrupted. His face grew red at his sudden eruption, “I mean- no, it's not right Bill. We should change gradually.” He laughed a little sheepishly.


“Stop calling me that!” Tom snapped, “I'm not a child!” His voice had turned from sheepish to snarl.

“Tom, are you alright?” Orchid asked with sincerity.

“Obviously not! You both just want to keep changing, keep putting yourselves into dangerous and potentially life-threatening situations! I can't keep up!” He voice was rushed as was his breathing.

“Tomi, what is wrong with wanting to be part of the first World?” Bill asked gently.

Tom sighed hopelessly, “I'm scared.” He said simply. “I'm scared that once we're alive everything will change. Everything will be plain.” He spoke from the place in his soul that has only known magic and adventure.

“I promise that I will never let that happen. Our physical bodies will be different, yes. However, Orchid still holds the ability to go through that door, there will always be adventure. Our lives will never be plain. Believe in me.”

Tom was very well aware of Bill's strongest dream to become real. He could never find the hatred or strength to crush that. In earlier years, Tom had been the brave one, the one to jump off a cliff for the thrill, but after Bill had almost been broken and Orchid almost losing her life, his resolve had become cracked like a dried river bed.

“Come on, let's go home. We're not turning human anytime soon- not until you want to.” Bill outstretched a hand, the joints etched into the Germanic porcelain from Dresden, the finest porcelain. It was familiar and warm to him.

Orchid smiled gracefully at the brothers. “Well,” she said getting up and brushing herself off, “Let's get a move on.” And so they walked for what seemed like hours until they reached Orchid’s home. Elaine's car was in the drive way. Orchid opened her jacket and placed them inside

The door creaked open, “Mom?” Orchid called into the Fleur de Lys styled foyer. There was no answer at first. Then she heard the stirring and rustling of papers in her mother's office. She put Bill and Tom on the staircase, “Go quick and hide somewhere safe.” They pattered up the stairs with soft footsteps and sounds of plush carpet following them into Orchid’s room.

“Orchid?” Elaine called aimlessly into the enormous house.

“I'm here.” Orchid answered in hesitation.

“Can you come in here for a moment? There's something I’d like to discuss with you.” Elaine's voice was chilled like cold butter. Smooth, yet uninviting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2012 ⏰

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