Why Can't You See The Door?

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When Orchid's eyes met Bill and Tom's an instant spark of overflowing emotion found its way out of her eyes, "It's been so long!"

The dolls were picked up by trembling hands, "You have no idea, Orchid." Tom said softly with a wide smile, showing tiny teeth.

"Ahem, excuse me, but if it's not too much trouble, my arm as been detatched from my body for several years now after the promise of being fixed within days, mind if we focus on that situation?" Bill frowned like a spoiled child.

Orchid giggled, something she hadn't done in a long time, "Of course." She grabbed Bill, "I'm going to have to shove you in a bag, hope you don't mind."

The boys sighed, "Finally out of a trunk only to be thrown into a dance bag." Mumbled Tom.

Bill rolled his eyes, "Well we can't very well walk out of the trunk and into the frying pan, now can we?"

Tom shrugged, "I suppose that's true."

Orchid laughed light-heartedly, "It'll only be until we get in my car, guys. Don't worry." She put them in the dark dance bag and zipped it up completely.

As she was heading out the large oak door towards her Audi R8 GT, her mother stopped her, "Orchid, where are you going, you don't have dance for another six hours." Elaine said referring to the dance bag.

"Oh," Orchid moved her hand, "I'm just carrying some of the old dusty doll clothes Gran gave me to those Irish porcelains that I got rid of five years ago." Elaine nodded her head and turned back to her latest issue of Better Homes and Garden magazine.

"I'll probably do some shopping too, so I might not be back until after dance is over." She admitted her half-truth.

"Yes, fine dear. Have fun." She flipped a flimsy page of her magazine.

Orchid hurriedly walked to her car and set the bag in the passenger seat. "Coast is clear, you can come out now." She smiled when she turned on the radio, her favorite CD blasting through the speakers.

"Wow, nice car." Tom shouted above the speakers

Orchid kept her eyes on the road, "Thanks, I got it for my sweet sixteen." She said merrily. "So, do either of you know a good place to get elastic string for Bill's arm?"

The boys looked to eachother, "We've been stuck in a trunk for the last decade, what do want from us, directions?" Snapped Tom.

"I would appreciate them." Orchid responded sheepishly. She sighed, "I guess a craft store would work." She flicked on her turn signal and veered off the freeway. When her car strolled into Old Town, the people stared. USually consisting of citizens living paycheck to paycheck and secondhand stores, it was rare to see objects of impecable quality casually go down the street without purpose. "This is going to be a long day." She whined.

As Orchid tuned out, becoming entirely preoccupied with finding a parking space, Bill and Tom had a hushed conversation.

"She should've found the doors years ago, I'm not sure if she can anymore." Tom expressed his worries.

"You have to have faith in her, I mean, after all these years she still has the Listening. Her belief in her Grandmother and herself is the only that's kept us alive, so let's return the favor, eh?"

Tom nodded. "Found a spot!" Orchid exclaimed excitedly. She turned her steering wheel sharply, causing the porcelain boys to go flying into the door. They crumpled in the seat.

"That was less than pleasant." Tom snapped, rubbing his head.

"I second that." Bill joined.

"Sorry, it was a sharp turn!" Orchid unbuckled her seatbelt, "I need you to just stay here and not touch anything, okay?"

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