Chapter 1

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"Regan! Wake up!" I hear my bedroom door open.

"Ugh. It's so early just let me go back to sleep Alexa," I cover my hear with my blanket

"It's 2:30," I can hear her judgement.

"Why do I have to get up?" I whine. I lift a corner of the blanket, letting in the cool air, and see my sister standing above me.

"We have a party to go to across the street, remember? It's Jessica birthday."

Oh crap, I forgot to buy her something.

"What time is the party?"

"It's in an hour," she pulls the blanket completely of my head and I jump up, pushing.

"You could of just said move!" she yells at me as I run to the bathroom.

After I shower, I look in my mirror at wavy brown hair and plain face. Not having time to straighten my hair, I pull half it up and quickly do a simple makeup.

"What do you wear to a 7 year-olds birthday?" I ask to no one as I walk back into my bedroom.

I ended up picking bleached high waisted shorts and a floral crop top with my white vans.


I'm sitting by myself at the party watching Jessica show all her friends her gifts. I ended up getting her a Barbie princess doll that she loved.

"So how was school this year Regan?"

I turn around to see my neighbor Sally. Her blonde hair was perfectly curled and her makeup was, as always, perfect.

"Um, it was exciting. I mean the classes weren't, but I made a lot of new friends."

"Any boyfriend?" she asked suspiciously and rises an eyebrow.

"No, but there was this one guy I liked, Cole. It never really happened and he moved so," I trail off and look away.

"Well trust me, guys get much better in college," Sally laughs and walks away.

The party was starting to wind down and I check the time, 5:23.

I guess I should be heading home.

I say my goodbyes to the people left and wish Jessica a final "happy birthday" before leaving.

As I'm walking out the door, I notice the large moving van in front of the house next door

The new neighbors, once again moving boxes at night when people like to be sleeping.


I walk inside, into my bedroom and lay down on my bed. I open up my phone and checked my twitter.

392 notifications

"@GamerRegan: hey guys, today's video will be kinda short because I don't want it to be up that late. Had a LONG and BUSY day."

I get up and head to my computer and log onto my Minecraft account to record some survival games, even though I'm not the best.

I record a few games and quickly edit the footage. I start rendering and while I wait for it to finish I open up YouTube.

What should I watch?

I see that Tofuugaming posted a new video on his channel, "I'm moving." I click on the video and Joe explains that his mom got a new job in California.

He explains that's the videos that have been posted the last few weeks were prerecord so that he could move. He didn't want to post a video about the move until after they had been mostly moved in.

I finished the video and I check mine to see that it's fully uploaded. I type a quick message on Twitter informing my viewers that it's up and then I change into pajamas and go to bed.

I hear the neighbors next door moving boxes and I get up and close the window.

They better be quite tomorrow, it's too hot to keep the window close during summer.

I fall asleep that night to muffled voices and the creaking on my ceiling fan.


I wake up the next morning and go down stairs to find that no one was awake.

Since when do I wake up before anyone else?

I check the time on the clock and it says 1:47.

Hmm, that's odd, Mom and Dad don't usually work on Saturdays.

I turn around to head back upstairs when the front door opens suddenly and I scream.

"Hey calm down it's just me," my dad laughs at me.

"You scared me half to death! Where were you guys?" I ask as my mom walks in after him.

"I hear screaming! Is everything okay?"

"Yes sweetie, I just scared Regan, that's all."

"That's all?! You scared me half to death Dad," I whine.

He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead, "I'm sorry Regan. Maybe you shouldn't sleep until 2:00 in the after noon anymore."

I pulled away, "But father that's what's summer for," I say matter of factly.

"You should be more productive," my mom rolls her eyes and walks out the door

"Go get ready and meet us at the new neighbor's house. We'll be in the back. Okay?"

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, now go get ready. You better hope I don't come back here and find you asleep."

"Fine, okay," I grumble and sulk up the stairs, being as dramatic as possible. My dad laughs from behind me and walks out the door.

Great, I get to pretend to like people.


Ah the (re)start of a new story. If you read the intro, you know that this is a old story, just a little renewed. I hope you stay tuned for the rest (as this time it will be finished) and enjoy the ride

The Neighbor: Tofuugaming FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now