"Is he sleeping?" I asked when Jimin just frowned.

"No, he's not there." Jimin said and closed the door. He let go off my hand and knocked on Jungkook's door instead. "Kookie do you know wher-what the hell!" Jimin pushed the door completely open and there was Taehyung in bed with Jungkook. Their shirts and pants were spread on the floor and their lips locked in what looked like a passionate kiss. They hurried away from each other as they heard Jimin's voice.

"Please Jimin, be quiet. Come in and close the door." Jungkook rushed Jimin and I. Taehyung was quick to grab their clothes and they started to put it on. Jimin seemed a bit too stunned to do anything at the moment, so I gently pushed him into the room and closed the door after us. To be honest I wasn't all that surprised. Taehyung had been texting someone who he wouldn't tell who was, Jungkook blushed when Jimin had asked if he was seeing someone and the way they looked at each other, was probably the same way Jimin and I looked at each other.

"Wait so is Jungkook the guy you've been texting?" Jimin said only getting at gathering the puzzle.

"Well yeah, I didn't want to tell you because Jungkook told me not to and we wanted to figure us out first." Taehyung said looking genuinely nervous of Jimin's reaction.

"You told me you weren't seeing anyone!" Jimin said and pointed at Jungkook, who looked like he didn't know what to do with himself.

"Well I couldn't just tell you." Jungkook argued. I put an arm around Jimin, to try to make him calm him down.

"That was why you wanted to come? This is why you've been so damn excited? Not for me but for him?" Jimin said turning back to Taehyung. Taehyung started to play with the ring on his finger. "How long has this even been going on?"

"Since summer vacation." Jungkook said and Jimin widen his eyes. "It was the last night he slept over and we both woke up in the middle of the night. I was going to the bathroom as Tae was walking out. We got to talk, and we went to my room and...Jimin I really like him, I have for awhile now. He likes me too. We wanted to see if we could work long distance and we can. Please don't be mad, I really care for him." Jungkook looked begging at Jimin and it was clear this was a little brother asking something of his big brother. It seemed Jimin wasn't sure what to do as he kept looking from Taehyung to Jungkook and back again.

"Have you guys had sex?" Jimin asked making the rest of us drop our jaws.

"Jimin, you can't ask that. You wouldn't want Jungkook to know about our sex life." I said as I felt I should help Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Alright, fine." Jimin said and threw his hands up in the air.

"I just want to say for the record we haven't." Taehyung said which I wasn't sure helped him much.

"Please Jimin." Jungkook begged again. I sort of felt sorry for them and I hoped Jimin would just accept it for the fact it was.

"Do you like him Taehyung? Like really like him?" Jimin asked and Taehyung nodded eager.

"Yes. I do. I like him so much. I swear I'll treat him good and try my best to keep him happy." Taehyung said, and I found it extremely sweet.

"I feel the same way about him." Jungkook added and Jimin looked down for a second before he took a deep breath.

"Alright fine! You have my blessing. I've seen how excited Taehyung gets when you text and I know he'll treat you like a king." Jimin said to Jungkook which made them blush. The two of them locked eyes and held each other's hands.

"You're a good brother." I whispered into Jimin's ear, which made him smile.

"Now we'll leave you alone but clothes on. Taehyung I'm not kidding, you break my brothers heart and we can no longer be friends." Jimin said sounding more serious, than I had ever heard him before. Though I didn't believe that he would be able to cut Taehyung out of his life completely, if such thing were to happen.

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