Chapter 16

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Amber walks up to Sookie's farm house only reaching the front porch before the front door was slam open by Jessica who threw herself on Amber.

That thanks to her training she didn't went flying back and even if she did Ford would have caught her.

Amber chuckles patting Jessica's head as she snuggled into her who was trying to ignore the piercing glare from behind her.

He is not even trying to hide his jealousy, Amber thought.

"I'm so glad that you are alright," Jessica said as she lifted her head from Amber's chest that rumbles with a chuckle.

"I told you I would be alright and have you been eating?" Amber asked and Jessica nodded with quickly adding, "Mostly True Blood."

"That thing is disgusting," Ford said.

Jessica glances around Amber to look at him. His arms were crossed as he looked away from her.

"Ford," Amber said, warningly.

He huffs and Amber shook her head.

He is acting like a child, Amber sighs.

"Jessica, this is Constantin Ford your brother," Amber said waving toward him.

Jessica gulps at the intimidation stand he was doing.

Amber rubbed Jessica's hands to release her grip on her before she moved toward Ford and grabbed him by the ear pulling him down to her height.

"I'm not going to deal with your jealousy," Amber said as she walked inside dragging Ford behind her.

Jessica would have laughed at the sight of Amber pulling a grown vampire by the ear but the tone of voice she used prevented Jessica from letting out a giggle.

Jessica followed them inside and closed the door behind them.

"Um... Sookie is sleeping," Jessica said. Amber glanced at her and nodded as she climbed the stairs while dragging Ford and Jessica followed hesitantly.

Amber released him in the guest room she sleep in. He rubs his sore ear keeping his gaze on the ground while Amber stood in front of him with crossed arms.

"Well?" she asked.

He lifted his gaze to hers.

"Well what? You honestly can't expect me to process this quickly," he said.

"If you were anyone else then no but you're not. Now tell me why because you aren't normally jealous of another sibling. If I have to remind you we are a lot of brothers and sisters in the marines." Amber said.

Ford's shoulders slump in defeat and said, "It's not the same because what we have runs deeper and if I lose that..."

Amber face softens and cups his face.

"That's never going to happen Ford. I will not throw you away instead I will love the both of you," Amber said and glanced at Jessica from the corner of her eye. Almost like a silent order she approached them.

Amber kissed Ford's forehead first then his lips as to seal her promise. She pulls back and glanced at Jessica who was looking anywhere but them. She chuckles and said, "Come," to Jessica who shuffles closer to them and is softly pushed down on the bed to sit next to Ford.

"I will care and love you both equally no matter what. I will not hesitate from punishing the both of you if you even think about fighting or disrespecting my order," Amber said and heard a chores of yes ma'am.

Amber then kisses Jessica's forehead and lips to Jessica's surprise who almost jumps away if Amber didn't hold her. When Amber pulled away the meaning of her kiss sank into Jessica that it was different from a lovers kiss.

"Now drink," Amber said and lifted her wrists to them.

Jessica stared at it worriedly, "It's alright just do what I told you," Amber said.

Ford took her right wrist and said, "Like this," to Jessica who watched him open his mouth, clicking his fangs down before lowering them to Amber's wrist that he gave a light lick and slowly pierced the skin.

Jessica nodded getting more confident and took Amber's left wrist and did the same as Ford.

Her eyes closed savoring the unique taste which was different from the human blood she had smelled before and the sweet smell from Sookie's blood. She was able to pick up the human taste and two other parts that she couldn't identify. Nevertheless, it was a flavor she could get use to drinking. That if it wasn't for Ford hand on her shoulder she wouldn't have stopped drinking.


Amber shook her head, "It's alright because it's your first time drinking from a living person," Amber said handing her left wrist to Ford so he can close the wound by licking it. Jessica was finding it hard to keep her eyes open for some reason and before she knew it she was fast asleep.

"Ah, she fell asleep," Amber said, "lay on the pillow Ford as I got take a bath." Ford nodded and Amber got some clothes from her bag before heading to the bathroom. Where her phone vibrated in her pocket.

Now what? She wonders pulling it out to read the text from Sexy Viking. She raise a bow at that.

He has a huge ego, she thought and read the text that said, I will visit you tomorrow to discuss what the Queen Sophie-Ann said about Sookie.

Amber sighs, just great I have to see him tomorrow too. I already spent almost two days with him.

Female Marine In Bon Temps (True Blood FanFiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat