Chapter 6

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Sookie rolled her eyes, "I'm fine, Bill. Amber saved me which is something you should have prevented in the first place!" said Sookie glaring at Bill who sent Amber an angry look. Amber narrow her eyes, this vampire is not good and if they are in a relationship then he should have felt Sookie being in danger and gone after her. However, he didn't so could he...?

Bill moves closer to Sookie but before he could even touch her, Amber pulls out her hand gun and fires it. It was like something clicked inside Amber when Bill approached Sookie almost as if she knew that he was an enemy that had to be eliminated.

Sookie looked at what remained of her ex now dead boyfriend and then at Amber who puts her gun away. However, the desire to cry or even be angry at Amber for killing him wasn't there, she only felt emptiness. That the only thing she wanted to do was go home in hope this whole ordeal was a dream that she would wake up from.

"Amber, can you take me home?" Sookie asked her voice deprive of any emotions, which worried Amber who expected Sookie to cry or punch her for killing her boyfriend.

"Yes," Amber said, I really need to improve my humanitarian skills, she thought following Sookie before she attempted to drive off in her truck. Since the two vampires where statues throughout the whole thing.

That it was not still both Sookie and Amber were out of Fangtasia that Pam asked, "What did we just witness?"

"A modern day warrior who just killed someone I wanted to kill myself," Eric a bit in his voice at the last part.

"Yeah and good luck cleaning that," Pam said before using her vamp speed to leave.

"PAMELA!!" Eric screamed from being left behind to clean Bill goo.

Sookie was silent the who ride home and Amber had no idea what she could do or say to make her better that is if she could since she was the one who ended Bill's life. That only will bring even more trouble.

Sookie went straight inside when Amber parked her truck.

Amber let out a sigh and got on unhooking Sookie's yellow car.

When Eric dropped from the sky, "Need any help?" he asked.

"No thanks. I hook it and I can undo it. Why exactly are you here? Do you want to take revenge for what I did?" Amber asked.

"No, you actually did me a favor," Eric said.

Amber hums in acknowledgment.

Eric looked around as if he was searching for someone, "I have you seen my over pampered child who left me to clean Bill's leftovers?"

Amber shakes her head, "No, but try the mall," Amber said and returned the chain back into her truck.

"Funny. Instead, tell me what kind of bullet are those? That can easily killed a vampire," Eric asked.

Amber smiles and asked, "No. Instead why don't you tell me who else knows about Sookie's telepathy?"

Eric crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, "Give me a reason a good reason," he said, moving closer to Amber attempting to use his height to intimate her which was useless.

Amber glares up at him, "The queen of Louisiana knows and I assume she was involved with Sookie's kidnapping or better yet was the one who order it to happen," Amber said.

Eric narrow his blue eyes at her, "Where is your proof?" Eric asked.

"You cleaned it up, so why not take it to the queen and demand answers even go ahead and blame me for his true death," Amber said and started walking inside only for him to vamp speed intervene in her way.

"Now what?" Amber asked disdain clear in her voice.

"You are an interesting woman, Amber and do know what I first thought of you when I saw you enter my club?" Eric asked letting out a small growl as his gaze was clouded with instant lust.

Amber smiles innocently up at him and said, "I can easily have you on the ground and doing sit ups with your legs chained with silver chains, so I recommend you visit the queen. Then you can attempt to woo me. If you can because I been around lots of muscular guys my whole life and you don't seem that appealing to me,"

Eric smirks, "We will see about that," and he is gone in an instantly.

Sookie curls in her bed trying to make sense of everything when a knock to her window brought her out of musing. Sookie stood up to from her bed and opened the window for Pam who she did not expect to visit her.

"What do you want, Pam?" Sookie asked going back to her bed.

"First invite me in," Pam said in a hurry, glancing at the sky for any sign of Eric to drop by and drag her back to the club to clean up Bill goo.

"Pam, please come in," Sookie said from the bed her back turned to Pam who quickly got in and closed the window.

Pam then pushed Sookie to the side to get on the bed herself. Sookie shot a glare at her, "This is my bed," Sookie said and attempted to push Pam off, but she was not moving an inch.

Damn vampires being hard as stone! Sookie thought and Pam did something that surprised the both of them. She cradled Sookie in her cold embrace.

"What are you doing?" Sookie asked curiously in her voice, but didn't dare to move her spot.

"I'm doing what you humans call comforting," Pam said.

She and Amber are not good at this, but at least they are trying, Sookie thought.

"My boyfriend was just killed by Amber and..." Sookie started to say noting that Pam didn't move from her position she continued, "but why am I not angry at her for what she did?"

"He wasn't good and Amber knew it so she took action," Pam said.

Hmm, Amber is a Marine so maybe she could tell he was bad? Sookie wondered.

Pam glanced down at the blond telepath in her arms that it was taking a lot of restrain not to drain her or have her own way with her.

"What are you two doing?" Amber asked leaning against the doorway.

Pam eyes widen her arms unconsciously tightening on Sookie whose eyes almost bugged out of her head.

"Yo..ur hu-hurting me," Sookie said.

Pam blinked realizing what she did and released Sookie.

"Sorry," Pam said and Sookie nods.

Amber enters the bedroom going straight to the bed and sits on the edge of it.

"You okay?" Amber asked her eyes searching Sookie's face for any clue to how she was doing.

"I'm fine and I think-" Sookie shakes her head to try to get her thoughts in order before she said, "I'm not sure how to put this, but you helped me the most even when you didn't have to. Along with being frankly with me about everything and I'm even feel relief of what you did to Bill who honestly only wanted to use me-"

Amber stopped Sookie from rambling on.

"A thank you, would have sufficed and I'm sorry to say, but things will get even dangerous for you. Since I did kill a vampire and they are not fond of their own kind being killed," Amber said, but Sookie was not worry because Amber eyes projected determination, protection and a hint of dangererous that made Sookie's worries disappear.

Pam sniffs the air grinning at the scent of Sookie's excitement, well well cupcake only by staring into her eyes you got excited, Pam thought licking her lips.

Eric groaned while in mid-air, Pam what are you doing, Eric thought dreading the lust that was slowly running through him.

"This better be worth it," Eric grumbled landing in the queen's front yard with a bag with Bill's remains.

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