Chapter 5

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"How are-" Amber started to say only to stop hearing Sookie's soft sobs.

My humanitarians is none existing, Amber thought trying to come up with an idea of what she could do to calm her down.

Multiple emotions were passing through Sookie who was having a hard time keeping her tears from falling.

Being kidnapped, learning that I am a fairy, which will only bring more trouble for me, and remembering Grans did not help. If she were alive, she would know what to say... Sookie thoughts trailed off, her eyes were shut tightly, but then opened when Amber patted her head as if she was a dog or animal who needs comfort.

"You're not good at comforting," Sookie said.

"Sadly no, but I can try," Amber said her words making Sookie giggle.

"Thanks," she said giving Amber what other's call her crazy Sookie smile.

Amber nodded seeing the establishment that Eric owned and said, "I suggest that you don't mention your fairy heritage to him,"

Sookie tilted her head, "Why?" she asked.

"I think the better question you should ask yourself if you trust him completely," Amber said while turning the wheel to turn into his deserted parking lot.

So, he closed his club for this, Amber thought putting her truck in park and then turning of the engine off.

"Is there anything I should know about him before we go inside?" Amber asked getting out with Sookie doing the same.

"How to put Eric in simple words will, huge, ego, prideful, manipulative and the list goes on," Sookie said with a wave of her hand.

Amber chuckles and let Sookie lead the way to the main door and knocks softly that if the ones inside were not vampires they wouldn't have heard it.

A blond, female vampire wearing leather clothing and killer pumps opened the door. Her blue eyes passed over Sookie and lingered on Amber when she walked past her.

I have a bad feeling about this, Amber thought as the vampire was eating her with her eyes.

"Pam, where is Eric?" Sookie asked.

"Right here and who is your friend?" Eric asked, appearing using his vamp speed.

Sookie was not sure if she should feel glad or bad for Amber who caught their attention.

"What's your name, doll?" Pam asked, licking her plump red lips walking closer to Amber and taking a sniff.

"Amber Grimoire and you must be Pam his child, I assume," Amber said.

Pam only grinned and nodded as Eric took one of her hands and raise it to his lips placing a cool kiss on her knuckles which he noted have been broken before more than once he guess.

"I'm Eric Northman, but you already knew that and you are sight for sore eyes," he said a smirk on his handsome face. Amber smile slightly as she politely took her hand back from him.

"What are these?" Pam said, taking hold of Amber's tags moving them around in her hand and read them.

"Aww look Eric she plays soldier," Pam said showing him Amber's tags. Eric took them from Pam pulling Amber towards him, this is getting annoying, she thought.

"You're right maybe I could give you some tips," Eric said with a chuckle.

Amber's eye twitched in annoyance, "Really?" Amber said pulling her tags out of his hand that she swiftly grabbed and using gravity to flip him onto the ground.

"Because I'm sure am not playing," Amber said and Eric could only blink up at her. Surprise that a human could flip him no less a female.

"Now that is a bonus in my book," Pam purred taking a hold of Amber's arm and pulling her closer. Eric quickly stood up still surprise, but he gained some respect for her.

"You would have made a good wife if you were born in my era," Eric said, eyes fueled with a desire to dominate her since no other woman other than Sookie had stood up to him even less flip him, a Viking onto the ground.

Amber shot Sookie pleading look to do something, but she was shocked from what Amber just did to Eric who along with Pam were close to ponding onto a not, so happy Amber. That was trying her best to keep her composure and not send both vampires flying only from what Ford told her of not pissing off the 1,000-year-old vampire.

Do something! Amber screamed for Sookie to hear because she did not have eternal patience.

"Eric! what's the job you need me to do? Because I don't want to be here," Sookie said a hand on her hip.

Eric takes an unnecessary breath and releases it.

He opened his mouth, but closed when Bill slammed the door open, "SOOKEH! Are you all right? Your friends told me you were kidnapped,"

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