Chapter 3

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Sookie didn't realize how hungry she was still she took a bite of the scramble eggs.

"If you're not use to eating fast you will-" Sookie coughs, "choke." Amber finishes and pushes a glass of orange juice toward Sookie.

"Thanks..." Sookie said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"You're welcome," Amber said with a slight chuckle and she gathers the empty dishes, which she washes and puts away. That moment of Amber washing the dishes allowed Sookie to get a good look at Amber. She had a good five inches taller than Sookie herself, an athletic built, but still had some softness to it which Sookie first hand felt when she was being carried. Midnight, black hair that she wore in a ponytail with few strands falling on the side of her cheek that was a medium caramel skin tone like the rest of her supple skin. However, the feature that Sookie has started to like is her bright amber color eyes. Everything about her screamed sexy mixed with a badass attitude.

Amber finished putting the last plate away and turns to look at Sookie whose eyes were glued to her.

"You're drooling," Amber said and took her seat across from a blushing Sookie that quickly wiped the drool away.

"Oh no, sorry. It's just you are beautiful and look exotic..." Sookie said her gaze lowered.

"Thank you and don't worry. You will not be the first or last to stares at me and drool," Amber said, smiling at Sookie who returned the smile, "but at least your one of the few who did hurt themselves by running into wall, middle of shooting practice or accidently pull the trigger shooting their own foot."

Sookie eyes widen, "Gun?! Why?" Sookie said her southern drawl coming out strong.

"Umm, because I'm in the military, but more specifically the Marine Corps," Amber said and pulled out a chain where two dog tags and m4 bullet hang around her neck.

Sookie jaw dropped, wide-eyed before she stood up, walked around the table and took one of Amber's hands to shake it.

"Thank you for your serves," Sookie said.

Amber blinks, that's a first, she thought.

Sookie furrow her brows as she releases her hand, "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I'm just surprise because most people I tell that I'm in Marine Corps they laugh and say that I'm just wearing my boyfriend's tags. That supposedly has the same name as me," Amber said carefully watching how Sookie face shifted from appreciation to one of anger.

"How rude can they be? There are women in the military," Sookie said, jumping slightly from Amber sudden laugh.

Amber wiped a tear from her eye, "You're right, but my branch doesn't have that many females, so it's kind of understandable as to why they said that. Since not many can past the basic training," Amber said.

Amber face becomes serious all of a sudden that sent a shiver down Sookie's spine from her piercing eyes, "Now tell me what you remember before I found you on the side of the highway," Amber said.

Sookie gulped and quickly sat down on her previous seat.

"My shift ended, so I walked to my yellow car, but I didn't make it and then everything went black..." Sookie said, but the strong stare of Amber made her nervous and a little scare.

They are strict in the military, Sookie thought and continuing, "I then woke up on a bed in a dark room, but I could see light coming out from under the door. Therefore, I made my way to the door that was not lock and the hallway was empty. I chose a random direction and went that way with the most surprising part of it was meeting my cousin Hadley who I didn't expect to be there. I asked her multiple questions, but got no answer to them other that I would be in danger if I stayed. Therefore, she took me to a back exit and told me to walk around the edge of the garden, so the guards wouldn't notice me. Which they did when I tripped close to the entrance, I quickly got up, ran out and across the highway which I didn't stop still the moment you found me."

Female Marine In Bon Temps (True Blood FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now