Chapter 15

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"What the hell? Someone screaming is not what I want to wake up to," Eric said, running a hand through his hair.

Godric opens his eyes, blinking at the throbbing coming from the back of his head.

"Well what would your reaction be when all of a sudden you are told you have a new sibling by your maker?" Ford counter.

Eric opens his mouth for a moment then closes it.

"About the same and demand why," Eric said.

Godric looked up at Eric with a puzzle look before he sat up taking in his surrounding and the small space.

"Eric? What happened? Where are we? Why does my head hurt? And who are they?" Godric asked.

"Well evening to you too. For your questions you were in a cage, I hit you because you had the eyes of someone ready to kill themselves and we are currently in my truck heading toward Louisiana. Oh and I'm Amber Grimoire and this is Constantin Ford." Amber explained.

"Please do call me Ford instead of my first name," Ford said.

Eric gets a mischievous glint in his blue eyes, "But why Constantin?" Ford narrow his at him who grins.

Godric ignores Eric and his childish taunting that after a thousand years it hasn't left him.

"Why?" Godric asked.

Amber glanced him, "Why what? You are the one who wants to die," Godric shook his head, "I mean why you stopped me?"

"Simple I hate cowards who think death will solve their problems," Amber said, Ah ah is my kindness only towards Jessica?

Amber sits back in her seat and said, "Ford, stop your bickering with Eric and get driving," Ford shot him one last glare before getting back to driving.

Ford had only been driving for a mile when Eric started his are we there yet? chant.

Ford glanced at Amber giving her a look that clearly said, 'I want to kill him, can I?'

Amber shook her head slightly to Ford's disappointment which she found amusing because it was him a few days ago who told her to kill him.

At least to Amber's and Ford's luck they were a few minutes away from Eric's club.

Eric glanced outside to see his club, "You dropping me here and not at my home?" he taunts enjoying riling them up which started to become his favorite thing to do.

"I don't know where it is and this is closer," Amber said.

Eric was about to say something only to stop when he glanced at Godric who was still on the floor lost in his thought.

Eric sighs and taps Godric on the shoulder signaling that they have to get out.

Eric held the door open to allow Godric to jump down, but before he closed the door he said, "I'll see you and Constantin later,"

When the door closed Ford didn't hesitate from quickly driving away.

Eric watched the blue truck drive away before turning his attention to his maker making a frown tug on his lips at the paleness of him.

He hasn't been feeding, Eric thought and picked him up who gave no complain adding to Eric's worry. However, Eric was fine by it at the moment while he flew to his home in a rich part of Shreveport. He didn't let Godric down when he reached his room instead he kept him in his arms all the way inside the house.

It was in his bedroom when Eric literally dumped Godric on his bed.

"Well are you going to talk to me?" Eric asked, his voice snapping Godric out of his trance.

Godric looks up at his beautiful Viking who's fighting spirit and strength in the battlefield caught his attention. His dead heart throbs at the thought of Eric making him realize how long he had missed him.

Was this emptiness because I didn't have him near me? Because letting him free was the best idea that I started to believe he didn't need me?

Eric had his arms crossed growing inpatient the more Godric stared at him making true that patience was something that skipped him.

"I know, how sexy, charming, an-"

Godric smiles before he starts laughing, annoying Eric.

"You still have that huge ego," Godric said, and continue to laugh.

Eric glared at him, "Good that you are having fun," Eric said, but his voice didn't carry any harshness to it.

Godric manages to calm down before he asked, "Eric, do you still need me?"

Eric's face soften as he went down on one knee in front of his maker, "I will always need you and it hurt when you left me on my own a two hundred years ago. That I had to bury my pain and focus on surviving in hopes of seeing you again. Some of it lessen with the creation of my child Pamela who you still have not meet. But the pain of you not being with me still pulsed within me."

Godric stretched a hand to touch Eric's cold face, eyes squeezed shut to prevent himself from crying.

"I too missed you and wanted to be with you. However, at that moment I thought I was doing well by letting you go and have a chance to tackle the world." He caress Eric's cheek, "I slowly realize that I was wrong that there was a reason why are kind prefers to live in nest. Nevertheless, if I didn't let you go you wouldn't have meet your child which is something I don't regret. I think that what have been happening in the vampire government played a part of me wanting to give up. Since they are too stubborn like you," Eric let out a huff of annoyance at being called stubborn making Godric chuckle before he continued, "to acknowledge their mistakes. That after Amber knocked sense into me, literally. I decided to continue my vampire life and staying near you if you permit it."

Eric vamped onto Godric engulfing him in a tight embrace that would surely kill an ordinary human.

"Ja," Eric said in his native Swedish and nuzzle Godric's head.

"So, are you going to tell me about this new sister?" Ford asked.

After Amber gave him directions to Sookie's house, "You can wait still we get home and meet her,"

Ford grumbled as he spotted the yellow farm house ahead of them.

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