Chapter 4

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After Amber drove back to Sookie's house which she unconsciously cleaned up the inside.

Amber wiped away some sweat from her brow, they really did engrave a lot into me, she thought looking at the now organize and clean house.

Amber sat down and pulled out her phone. She pressed number one in her speed dial and lifted it to her ear.

"Ford and tell me you're not calling me from prison in another country," Ford said.

Amber rolled her eyes, "That was once and it was four years ago," Amber said.

He snorted from the other side, "Sure for now. Knowing you this call might be one for help," he said she could even hear the smirk on his pale face.

"Don't confuse me with you," Amber said.

"Don't destroy my fun, so what you need because I was in the middle of sleeping and the longer we talk the more I will bleed," Ford said, trying his best to sound pitiful.

"Try that act on someone else instead, can you send me any information you can get your hands on about the Fae?" Amber asked.

"You found a fae? Rare one's indeed," Ford said his voice peaking up interest.

"Well part or even less, but still Fae nevertheless," Amber said hearing some shuffling from Ford side which she assumed he was getting a computer.

"Let me guess the Fae doesn't know it's a Fae and the enemy does know," Ford said.

"Yeah, and she was already kidnapped which is how I found her by the highway of Louisiana. I assume that the ones who took her were vampires. So, send me information on the vamps of Louisiana too," Amber said.

Ford sighs on the other side, "You kidding me right. What vamp did you pissed off now?" he asked.

Amber slumped down in her seat and pinched her forehead, "I didn't piss off anyone," Amber said. She could hear his fingers flying across the keyboard.

"You better not because there is a 1,000 year old vampire living in Shreveport and-" Ford said.

"No, it was not that vampire because I found her a few miles out of that town. She told me that she escaped from a mansion like house near the highway," Amber said.

Ford hummed in respond as he searched what she just said.

"She was kidnapped by one of the queen of Louisiana servants which is not good if she knows that the girl is a Fae. Even she is not a full Fae her blood can still be useful to vampires," Ford said.

Amber nodded understanding where this was going.

"Yes, so find me the information, so I can enlighten the poor girl," Amber said.

"Why couldn't she be a shifter at least the information searching would be easier than a Fae and I'm sure I can find the latest recipe-" Ford trails on.

Amber hand tighten into a fist as she forcefully said, "Focus. Ford."

"Yeah, yeah," he said and Amber shook her head at his antics, which would never change.

"While you at it also find me information about this queen of Louisiana," Amber added.

"Aren't you bossy-I mean precautious," Ford said in attempt to save himself.

Amber's eye twitches, "I'm your superior Colonel," she said.

"Yes, ma'am," Ford said seriously and then added, "I just be careful and if need I could be there in an instant."

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