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When a servant knocked on his door he woke up. He had forgotten where he even was in the night. When he woke up and moved he didn't move his head to far up because he still thought he was sleeping with Walter.

"Sir, your breakfast is ready." The servant said as she walked in the room and put down a silver tray of food.

"Thank you." Gabriel said as he woke up completely. She walked out to preform her other duties.

Gabriel took his tray and moved it to the study. He needed to go through all kinds of paper work this morning. He was off to the study to look at the files.

For a while he found nothing of importance to him, he was determined to find what he needed. His father would spend days in the study passing new laws. Gabriel needed to know what they were. He wanted to be recognized in a marriage to Walter.

He knew it was awfully fast to know he wanted to married but it was more of asking the question if he could be married to another man. His father was not bound legally to Amell but Malin was to his mother. Gabriel knew if he couldn't find what he wanted he would have a bloody hell of a time asking Ethan for the change.

Gabriel felt he was close when he found a compartment that was under lock and key. Although the keyhole looked like nothing Gabriel had ever seen. It was narrow and slime with no indents that a normal keyhole would. He concluded it must have been custom made.

It has to be in there. Father wouldn't have wanted anyone to know what he was up to. Gabriel thought.

He looked all around the room for a key. Then stopped to think. He had to think like Malin if he was ever to find where the key was hidden. Gabriel thought about the most important thing in his life.

It was Amell. The most important thing to Malin was Amell. He swam into his room and got the exquisite blade that Amell gave to Malin all those years ago. It had to fit.

Gabriel went back the study and put the blade in the keyhole. It was a perfect match. He turned it to find many small sketches of Amell, young and happy. He didn't look as worn down as he did now. Under those sketches was a book. It had a page that stuck out.

He took the page that didn't fit quiet right. He read it and found exactly what he wanted. He could be married. He stopped and put everything back into its rightful place. All except for the page he needed.

He went to see his mother. He wanted to tell her of Walter. She deserved to know the whole truth of what happened while he was off at the coast. He opened the door to her room. She was awake and reading to keep busy.

"Good morning Gabriel." She said with a smile. She had a drastic change attitude than she did last night. It almost cought Gabriel off guard.

"Good morning mother. How are you feeling this fine morning?" Gabriel asked.

"Much better, with any luck I'll be able to get out of this bed soon."

"That's great news mother. I have some news of my own. It has something to do with last night." Gabriel said.

"Gabriel, last night was surprising. I don't think I can handle anymore of your father's secrets. If you have anymore I beg that you keep them to yourself. The entire kingdom doesn't need to know he was an adulterer. Do me a favor and don't soil his memory." She begged to him.

"No. This has nothing to do with father. It does however have everything to do with me. I've fallen in love with a human too. I didn't mean to, but he makes me feel so different and happy." Gabriel admitted.

The Lost Coast: The Second Book To Land Of StormsWhere stories live. Discover now