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Walter was already in the ocean. Gabriel was standing at the edge of the water. He was frightened to let it engulf him. The sea shouldn't have scared him. He grew up beneath the vast blue. Gabriel made the deliberate decision to take a step forward.

The cold blue touched his feet. It sent a shiver up his spine. It was such a peculiar feeling to have something he was so familiar feel so different. He took a step back.

"C'mon Gabriel! I thought you said you could swim!" Walter called from far out.

Okay, I can do this. It's just the same as when I had my fins. At least it should be right? Gabriel thought.

He planted the staff securely in the sand. He took a few steps and fell back into the sea. He was floating on his back like a dream. It was like welcoming home an old friend.

Gabriel turned over and propelled himself under the water. He was surrounded and cradled. Gabriel hadn't realized how much he missed the ocean until now. He swam up next to Walter and shook the water from his head.

"It took you long enough!" Walter joked.

"I must admit. It has been awhile since I last swam. I didn't leave the sea on the the most.....favorable conditions either." Gabriel remembered the wave.

"Don't let that stop you from having fun." Walter said.

The two of them swam for hours. Gabriel was much better at swimming than Walter. At around noon they ended up sitting on the beach. Gabriel was heavily resting on the staff as he sat. Walter was laying on his back.

Gabriel spent most time just looking at him. Everything about this human was infatuating. Gabriel also had conflicting feelings about Walter. Perhaps it was the fact he never had a friend before. Gabriel shook such thoughts out of his mind.

"Gabriel where did you live?" Walter asked.

He had to carefully answer the question. Not only was he in danger of human knowing his people exist. But of the fact he was a royal.

"Not too far from here actually. Just in a very small, tiny kingdom." Gabriel said.

"What is the worst thing that you have ever done?" Walter asked.

"Well as a child I wasn't allowed outside the palace. If I got into any mischievous acts I would be in a world of trouble." Gabriel knew what he did, he also knew it was bad.

"Palace? You lived in a palace?" Walter asked.

"Well.....yes. My mother worked there. She was a lowly scullery maid. I worked in the kitchen with her on most days." Gabriel had quickly come up with a plausible lie.

"So not one wrongful act. That is not much of a childhood. Why don't we fix that right now."

"What do you mean Walter?" Gabriel asked, concerned.

"I'm hungry and I have no money. Therefore we go and steal some pastries or fruit." Walter said as he got up.

Walter got up and went to the boat. He got dressed as Gabriel stood up and questioned his own next actions. He got dressed too eventually. He got his bag and looked in it for coins. He would feel awful if he stole anything.

"Gabriel let's go. Food isn't going to get itself." Walter called to the preoccupied Gabriel.

It looked like Gabriel hadn't a choice. He was going to do something immoral. They began to walk down the main streets into the market place.

Am I really going to break a law for some man I just met? Walter is a bad influence on me. What would mother say if she saw me now?

Walter stopped Gabriel in his tracks. They started to walk slower as they got closer to some of the food vendors. When one of stall attendants turned their backs Walter grabed a few pastries.

"Run." Walter said as he pushed Gabriel.

They ended up down a narrow alley, there was just enough space for the two of them to squeeze in face to face. Gabriel felt the heat in his face once more. He was blushing bright red. He looked up at Walter. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"Cookie?" Walter asked, holding one up.

"Where did those criminals go!?" The shopkeeper yelled.

They moved down the alley. Neither of them wanted to be cought. As they moved father inward the alley got narrower. Their faces were so close they could feel one another's breath. Gabriel's face turned even redder.

Walter put some food in his mouth. Gabriel reached his hand out and received an oat pie.

"I haven't forgotten your hospitality." Walter said.

Gabriel smiled at the gesture. He took a bite from the pie. They stood in the alley and ate their provisions. They waited in the alley way to be sure that when they walked out, they wouldn't be cought.

"So what now?" Gabriel asked.

"The day is new, and their is always something to do."

They walked out of the alley way. Gabriel walked with his head down. He was ashamed for stealing. The wrongful act didn't seen to bother Walter much.

"Do you do that often?" Gabriel asked.

"Do what?" Walter inquired.

"Steal." Gabriel whispered.

"Only when I don't have any coins. Being an aimless traveler is not good for making monetary value." Walter explained.

"So why do you do it? Travel I mean."

"Because, I do. I have a boat and not much else." Walter sounded slightly angry.

Gabriel said nothing for a while after he made Walter cross. They headed back to the beach. They sat down together. Gabriel was in the trance of the sea once more.

The Lost Coast: The Second Book To Land Of StormsWhere stories live. Discover now