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He swam to the coast and looked for Amell. Amell had not arrived yet. Gabriel had to consider his next words carefully. Gabriel wanted Amell to agree with his wishes.

He spend most of the night after the funeral looking through old books and tomes. He was looking for something specific, something special. He had to go though books of old forgotten languages. Gabriel was looking for an ancient staff that would fulfill the owners desires.

Gabriel knew where he could find it. That is, if it even existed. He knew his greatest desire. He wanted to be human. He was fascinated with the stories Amell told him about life on the Mainland. He had no reason to stay in the kingdom anymore.

His father had pasted, his brother the new king and his mother was in a deteriorating state. He belonged somewhere he could learn and explore, experience new things. He wanted to entrust himself to The care of this new man. The man he had not know until a few days ago. This man that he had an unbreakable bond with. Their love, not one of passion or attraction, but of understanding.

He heard foot steps. He hide himself better, then got a look at the person creating the footsteps. It was only Amell.

"Amell, I have a question." Gabriel called as he reviled himself.

Amell sat down and looked at Gabriel's green eyes. As if he could see right though him.

"What is it?"

"Have you ever felt out of place, or different?"

"Of course all the time. I've always been asked why I haven't married." He pulled the necklace from under his shirt. "But the truth is I did." He tucked it back in shortly after.

"I know that you have a lot of questions, but can I ask you one?" Amell asked.

"Yes, of course Amell. I'll answer anything for you."

"What is it you truly want Gabe. You have that look in your eyes, your father had that same look when he wanted something very dearly." Amell said.

I look too much like my father most times. Gabriel thought.

This was his only chance to tell him about wanting to live on the Mainland. Gabriel wanted to live with Amell. He didn't know if it was the grief of his father's death, almost the romantic fantasy of living on the Mainland, or that he loved Amell as a father.

"I want to live with you, be human. Walk around. There is nothing for me under the cold depths anymore."

Amell looked at him as if he'd gone mad. As far as Amell and Malin knew that was an impossible feat.
They two had considered this many times. It was even a reoccurring discussion. Amell decided to play along with Gabriel's insane idea.

"How do you propose that would happen?"

"As a child, I spent most days in the study while my brother played. I learned the languages of old. I found a book about a staff that would fulfill all of the owners desires. All I have to do is find it."

"How come Malin didn't know about this staff?" Amell asked.

"He couldn't read the language. I would have told him about it, if I knew of the two of you." Gabriel said.

"Is it a dangerous journey? I would hate to put you in harm's way. If something happened to you I'd never forgive myself."

"I want to do with this. I want to live on the shore. I want to live with you." Gabriel said.

"Promise me you'll be safe." Amell said.

"I promise."

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