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Gabriel woke up. He had the feeling he was being watched. Gabriel looked around the room. He saw Emily looking at him. She put a finger in front of her mouth to signal to him not to talk. She handed him his staff and the two walked out the door.

It was still dark outside. The morning was soon coming. The Emily lead him to the beach. They sat and watched the sky turn from the deepest of purples, to the liveliest of oranges and pinks. The sun shown it's face once more.

Emily reached down into the pocket of her dress and took out a piece of bread wrapped in cloth. She tore a part of it off and gave it to Gabriel as she ate the rest. Gabriel felt like he should say something but hadn't had a clue as to what.

"It's magnificent." Gabriel finally said.

"I come here all the time while they sleep. They don't seem to notice if I'm quiet." Emily said.

"They fight a lot don't they?"

"They do. It's only 'cause Mum's lonely and Uncle Amell has no one, well before you. I'm used to it. One day I'll be able to help mum." Emily said.

"What about Amell?" Gabriel asked concerned.

"He has you now. I know he loves you. He said so all the time when you were sleeping. C'mon we have to go. We need to be back before they wake up." Emily helped Gabriel up.

They walked back home. Emily went into her room. Gabriel sat back down in the chair. He was alone with his thoughts.

Does Amell want me to live here for the rest of my life? More importantly do I want to live here for the rest of my life? What about mother and Ethan? What must they think of me? Would I even be welcomed back Arroyo?

He had more questions building up in his mind than answers. Gabriel considered doing what Amell did to be happier. He got his staff and walked to the pub Amell took him yesterday.

The bar was already full. Gabriel was greeted by drunken men calling him "Amell's boy". He sat down and ordered what he called "what ever the black stuff was".

Gabriel sat alone trying to stomach the taste of alcohol. It didn't make him feel too great. He had no idea as to how the drink would make anyone feel better. Gabriel was feeling more and more sick with every sip. He held his head in his hands and tried not to throw up.

Then another boy, no more then a year or two older then him, walked into the pub. Gabriel didn't recognized this man from yesterday. He didn't seem to greet anyone either. He sat down next to Gabriel. The stranger smiled at him.

His hair was pulled back and light brown. His face was round and it made him seem friendly.

"Gabriel." He said to the man next to him.

"I'm Walter." The stranger said.

The duo sat in silence for a while. It was apparent they were both new at making friends.

"Do you know any good places to get some grub?" Walter asked. Gabriel looked at him confused.

"I'm sorry but no, I'm new here. I just came a few days ago to meet......my father."

Gabriel felt like that was a lie. He knew his father, or so he thought before he embarked on this journey. Being with Amell he learned something new about his father everyday.

"Wait, so lived your entire life not knowing your father?" Walter said surprised.

"Yes actually. I ran away from home to find him."

"You just left? Your mother must be worried sick."

Gabriel took a long drink from his mug. He was reminded of his guilt that was already weighing in on him. It pained him deep to even think about Arroyo and all the things he's left behind.

"Don't remind me. Thinking about that stuff.....is hard." Gabriel said.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No it's fine. Where I live. Lived. My life was planed for me. Everything I said or did was premeditated. I just had to leave." Gabriel explained.

"Thank you, for making my life seem fine." Walter joked as he got up.

Gabriel couldn't let Walter leave. He never made a friend before. As a Prince his social interactions were limited to his parents and brother. On occasion he talked to servants but he never even bothered to learn their names.

He had so many questions. His curiosity of humans was peaking. He had a hunger to learn more about them.

"Wait, I know where you can eat."

This chapter is actually a day late I was done with it a night ago but Wattpad wanted to screw up. This is rewrite of the chapter the first part is the same but the other half was lost. I liked the last half better before it was lost. But oh well, enjoy!

The Lost Coast: The Second Book To Land Of StormsWhere stories live. Discover now