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Gabriel couldn't sleep. He had too much on his mind.

What am I even going to say to everybody? I have to tell my mother about father's affair. Then Ethan what do I tel him? The people of the kingdom, did they even notice my absence? Gabriel's mind was racked with the never ending questions. He turned over to see Walter sleeping peacefully.

How can he even sleep knowing this is our last night together. I'll miss him. How an I supposed to leave? When I leave him it hurts. There's too much pain in my heart.

Gabriel stroked Walter's cheek. Walter shuddered at the touch. His brown eyes started to flutter awake.

"I didn't mean to wake you. I just couldn't sleep." Gabriel said.

"Don't worry about it too much, I wasn't sleeping too well either."

"So what do we do now?" Gabriel asked.

"I'm going to hold you tight tonight because I know you'll have to leave in the morning." Walter said.

Gabriel moved closer to him. Walter put his arm around him. They said nothing but their hearts did the talking. They were both breaking piece by piece, bit by bit. Neither of them admitted it though. They soon fell asleep in one another's warmth and comfort.

The Lost Coast: The Second Book To Land Of StormsWhere stories live. Discover now