The Essence of Time

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My heart was breaking. I could feel it pulling itself apart inside of me. I cried out in pain, but no comforting words were whispered in my ear. No words of love or wisdom; nothing to help the pain that was taking over my whole being. The heartbreak inside of me was unbearable. I felt it physically, mentally, and emotionally. There was no stopping it as it progressed further and further. Taking as much of me as it could and leaving as little as possible left for me to work with. I was alone now; completely alone. I clutched my sides as I kneeled on the cold, hard floor. Does the agony ever stop? Does it ever let you just soar above the pain and sorrow? No never. Love has infected us all. In some way or another, whether it is a mother with her child, or two young people in love; there's no escaping love...

Absence - that common cure of love.

-Lord Byron

I was six years old on the merry-go-round. I watched my mother's gentle face speed past me as I giggled in delight. My best friend was seated beside me laughing with me, his round cheeks tight, and his smile wide. The ride began to slow itself down and finally came to a complete halt. My mother climbed aboard and took my hand in hers and Harry's in the other. She smiled at both of us and said,

"Who wants to go get ice cream? Because I sure do!" We both nodded our heads and we ran with her to the ice cream stand.

Harry and I looked over all of the flavors and tried to decide what we wanted as well as my mother. I knew she had found what she wanted because a broad grin spread over her delicate face. Harry poked my arm and pointed to a chocolate fudge bar. We looked at each other and nodded. My mother laughed at us, she often joked of how we would one day 'fall in love'. What was that supposed to mean? I didn't love my best friend! How foolish... But my mother was my mother and I did not question what she told me. And when I did, she always told me she could never explain to me what love was. She said I had to really feel it. My mother ordered our ice creams and Harry and I went to a small table to wait. She came back carrying three fudge pops and handed one to both Harry and me, keeping one for her. That was the last time I saw my mother smile. She was looking at me and she had just leaned forward to say something to me when the light in her eyes dimmed. She coughed violently and dropped the blasted ice cream. She looked up at me and her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Sophie... Sophie..." She sputtered. I was crying now unsure of what was happening. I heard voices in the background telling someone to call the paramedics. Even then I knew she wasn't going to last that long. "Sophie, always believe in love..."

She told me this as she swooned over in a graceful arc and fell to the ground. I began to cry harder and harder. I wasn't completely sure why she wasn't getting back up. Why wasn't she smiling and picking herself up off the ground and saying it was all a joke? She should be wiping the tears from my eyes and kissing my head. But she didn't move she just laid there. Her chest didn't rise and fall with the breaths like it was supposed to. She was immobilized by time. And that's when I knew she wasn't going to hold me ever again.

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