Part 79

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There was something in his tone that suggested he was counting on Angela, despite the fact he didn't know she was going to be at that restaurant. Would Angela Sutter run a story about them? And he sounded wistful. Beatrice couldn't believe that they were having this conversation in a car park, probably with people watching them, on his CCTV! Thank goodness they couldn't read our lips.

Solemnly Beatrice said, "You are wrong. That journalist wouldn't run that story." She tipped her head back and looked up at him and said with obvious justification, "In any case we have never been together. So how could we have separated?"

He looked over his shoulder, pointed at the camera, and turned his face back around to her, "Do you really want to have this conversation in the car park?"

Beatrice nearly growled. "No!" She maintained eye contact. "I just need you to release my car door so that I can leave!"

He rubbed his forehead. "Fine." He conceded.


He nearly blinked. He used his palm and wiped his face.

"I am not going to put with you! And your..."

He put his hand up. She wondered what he was up to, now?

David sighed, time to be honest. "Ok." He said under his breath.

"What?" She frowned. "Ok? What do mean?"

He looked straight at her. David rolled his lips for a second, and then said, "Sorry about today." She blinked. He put a hand into his pocket. "My fault." Beatrice scowled at that statement. He sounded sincere. What now? "I thought, if you came up to my office, if we went out for lunch, had some time, just some time to talk."

"Some time to talk?" She rolled her eyes. "We were going to talk, remember, about that Trust, that we were going to set up?"

"I know. But I wanted to talk about our relationship. Just to see if we had a chance with our relationship, see if we had a chance with our future, together, see if our grandfathers were right, that we would be a good team." He shrugged ruefully. "I was wrong. My approach with you was wrong!"

Beatrice blinked. What was he up to, now?

"I get that." He tipped his head to the side, watched her, and then in due course he said quietly, "Can we talk?"

Beatrice automatically said, "No." She shook her head. "I don't want to have any conversation with you, either in a car park or anywhere!"

Ruefully he said, "You have to!" He reminded her, "You know that."

"I don't have to do anything, Mr Cardoso!" Firmly she told him. "Maybe in the past! Five years ago, maybe. Not now. Now, I do want I want!" She shrugged. "Selfish." She added, "Some might see it as feminism. But I consider it Beatricism!" He raised his eyebrows and his lips nearly quirked, this is why he intended to live with his wife! She carried on, "As I said, I kissed you because I wanted it. I allowed you to kiss me." He nearly smiled. "You gave me a choice. It was my decision."

"I know." He agreed.

Beatrice scowled at him. "I have made my decisions for me! Of course I make mistakes." Just a shame, that she wasn't expecting that reactions from that kiss. She will have to review her reaction. Later. Beatrice continued, "I know I will make many errors in my life. But how I deal with them, is the issue."

"Ok. That makes sense to me"

"In Beatricism, I will try new stuff and if they are mistakes, I will move on!" The smile he concealed appeared. Beatrice watched him. Wished he hadn't smiled. She said more firmly, "My relationship with you is a mistake!" His smile vanished. Good, thought Beatrice, finally, he got it! But just in case, she said, "The end!" He was about to interrupt, but she lifted her palm and stopped him, "Tried it five years ago, experienced the aftermath, had a bit of blip today, and I have moved on!" Hardly moved on, she thought. She wanted that kiss. She just wasn't expecting that impact. She still had to deal with that kiss, the impact of that kiss, the unexpected power. She looked straight at him, "I suggest you move on!" David was floored. "Find a new wife." David shook his head. She looked directly at him, "I am not interested in being a second choice for anyone. Let alone for you!" She flashed him a look, and said, "All I want, as I said, I want you to release my car door. Now."

David thought that this was going to be a standoff situation. "Ok." Eventually he nodded. "I will release your car door."

She quirked an eyebrow when he hadn't released her car door. 

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