Part 73

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Decision made by her heart. In anticipation Beatrice swiped her tongue across her lips, closed her eyes and leaned forward. She knew, despite the fact she shouldn't do this! Her head reminded her, you are a tough, strong, independent woman. Don't be silly, her head reminded her you wouldn't just fall for this. Her heart replied to her head, she just wanted to know: What it feels like to be kissed by him. A kiss she should have had before their wedding. Or even had at their wedding. She just wanted to know. Her head said why? Stop while you can! Her heart ignored that warning. Her head said again don't fall at his feet, but her head acknowledged that her heart had won this discussion. Still, her head battled hard, this will cause....

David lowered his head. Slowly. His eyes were still open. He gently placed his lips on hers. Tenderly. Then his eyes closed. Her eyes were closed. Her head lost control. Her heart took over.

A whisper of a kiss. A feather of touch.

It was the gentleness of the kiss that was Beatrice's undoing. Had he gone all caveman on her, her head would no doubt have pushed out of his arms. The ghost of contact as his lips glossed over hers was so unexpected. Her head surrendered. As his lips continued to trace hers with tenderness so at odds with the heat in their words earlier she simply became incapable of anything other than returning his kiss, measure for measure.

Automatically, her hand released her handbag. It fell to the tarmac with a solid thud, but neither heard. With one hand still jammed between their two bodies, Beatrice's free hand slid around David and held on tight. That one simple action was enough to have David change gears as he took the kiss up another level. His hand tenderly wound around her head as he slowly drew her closer.

With her fingers threading tentatively through his hair she held on. That feather of touch had all but rendered him scant of thought. This time when their lips met she added a touch more pressure.

Her lips trembled in response before her lips parted. She allowed him to gradually deepen the kiss. Open mouthed the kiss deepened. But the kiss remained tender and gentle. His lips parted and settled over her lower lip. His tongue traced her lips. He committed the taste and feel of her to memory.

A tender, heartfelt kiss, and she poured everything into it. This might be all she had. This kiss. Even when they married at that register office, he hadn't kissed her. Not properly.

She'd worn no veil. She carried no bouquet of flowers. And she didn't receive a proper kiss. He gave her a nod and turned to face the registrar to start the process. A grandfather on either side, as witness, and watched them. With the ceremony over, the registrar prompted David to kiss his bride. So David had kissed her hand! No one mentioned that David should bestow a proper kiss. No peck on her lips. No peck on her cheek. Nothing. No urge. No desire. Her grandfather shook David's hand, and then kissed her on her cheek. David's grandfather did the same. On her wedding day, there was no kiss.

And today, Beatrice wanted this kiss to be remembered by this man. When she slept over the last five years she dreamt about David. Because of that missing kiss on her wedding day! A kiss between a wife and husband. She wanted him to remember her in his dreams!

Her fist grabbed hold of jacket as she attempted to stay upright, given her legs no longer supported her. So much for being a strong woman! Today, her legs were made from jelly.

David registered that movement and his arm banded more tightly around her, keeping her fused to him. Torso to torso.

Beatrice moved closer. She nipped at his lower lip before drawing his lip into her mouth and she felt the thunder of his heart. And she felt powerful.

His hand at her waist he drew her close. David needed no further incentive. He knew now how to recognise the signals. David took control. Exquisitely slow David drew her lower lip into his mouth and his tongue took over the task of imprinting taste and texture to memory. His tongue took its time dancing with her tongue. He growled deep and low in his throat. He changed the angle of the kiss. No longer content to just tease and taste, his tongue darted past her parted lips and invaded her mouth. His lust intensified and amplified. His hands reached for her head as he held her close and kissed her hard. Both breathing hard. Her sigh of surprise was swallowed almost instantly by a moan of delight and the kiss went ballistic. 

Course the man was experienced. But there was experience and then there was experience! 

That was Beatrice's last cognitive thought.

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