Part 75

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A car brought David and Beatrice back to earth, with a solid thud.

Back in the security office, Ern and Don were on their feet. Fast. Their chance, they thought. They picked up the keys, the release form and headed out.

The car's arrival was enough to startle David and Beatrice apart. Breathing hard, she opened her eyes and looked straight into his. He looked at her. Breathing hard, David turned slightly and shielded Beatrice from the curious stares by the car's occupants.

It was in that moment that he remembered that the car park was under scrutiny. They had CCTV. No doubt the last few minutes had been recorded for posterity.

"That shouldn't have happened here." David muttered and ran a hand behind his neck.

His sentence returned her from her musings. Embarrassed. She kissed him as if her life depended on it. And he didn't want it? Her serious expression appeared.

Beatrice pushed at his arms, misreading his comment as regret for having kissed her. "No one forced you to kiss me!" She snapped at him. 

She was having difficulty in hiding her irritation. She wondered if her brain was as slow as it appeared to be. She had kissed him. She knew that. She frowned, as she lost her train of thought. But she kept revisiting that impromptu kiss, wondering what on earth had triggered that response. She had kissed him. She let him kiss her. Her face flushed with embarrassment. Her lips remained together so her scream did not escape. She felt stupid. She knew why. Why did she kissed a man, who she didn't like at all, was beyond her comprehension? She only heard her brain snigger in response. Coward, her heart said. She really knew why. Her lips could still feel the sensation of his skin gliding across hers. Concern escalated. Her tongue could still taste him. The memories had her heart racing. She narrowed her gaze. 

Probably, he had her in the palm of his hand. Smug bastard, she thought.

Why had she been so stupid? Her heart reminded her: She'd do it again if given half a chance! Her brain nearly erupted: Why was a smart woman would forget her intellect?

He watched as she squirmed. David scowled at her, interjected, "I wanted to kiss you!" That kiss was blistering. His brain was still reeling. This was different. Really different.

She blinked at that blunt admission. She was not going to meet him half way, David thought. She wasn't going to tell him that she wanted to kiss him! He raised an eyebrow. Encouraging her with a smile. She didn't say anything. He shook his head. Stubborn, he thought. "I still do!" He said. Frustration laced his voice. 

Over the last few months he had come to the conclusion that his personal life needed an overhaul. And over the last few weeks he had come to the conclusion that he already had the perfect woman for his personal life, his wife. And over the last few minutes he'd come to the conclusion that he wanted her in his personal life, not just a wife, her, Beatrice. Beatrice was essential. Not just any woman. Her.

With her arms stiff by her side, and her chin lifted an inch she finally spoke. She said without any hesitation, "Really!" Sounding as sceptical as she felt.

He growled as frustration and annoyance increased. "But I don't want it on CCTV!" Came the direct reply. He scowled, pointed toward the office and tacked on, "Or put it on Youtube!"

That thought brought her up short. Beatrice stepped around him and scanned his building. She groaned aloud. She spotted at least three cameras. One was definitely targeting the car park. She sighed as she recalled the last few moments. Obviously things were going pear shaped. She looked worriedly at David.

She looked utterly adorable, with that glint in her eyes. But now was not a good time to grin, he thought. So he banked it. Just like the frustration and annoyance. David said quietly and gently, "It's ok." He smiled warmly at her. "Don't worry, Beatrice." He maintained eye contact.

Her head was spinning. She tried to school her features. "Don't worry?" She queried with a catch in her voice. But Beatrice simply looked at David. This could not be happening, she thought. She was just about holding onto her composure. But her eyes revealed the extent of her embarrassment, knowing that people had seen her kissing David. He looked pointedly at Beatrice. He knew now that Beatrice's eyes really were windows to her soul.

Trying to distract her once again, he said softly, "Cavalry! Here they come."

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