Part 41

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David spoke briefly to the receptionist, who smiled and nodded. Then he made his way toward Beatrice, who had got to her feet. "Sorry to have kept you." He said when he reached her. "Shall we?" He gestured toward the doors and then automatically reached for the satchel that was resting on the seat beside her.

"Shall we what?" Beatrice asked and wondered why he was carrying her satchel. She picked up her bag almost automatically. Now what was he up to, she wondered.

"Grab some lunch." David replied and took her by the elbow to escort her toward the sliding doors. She looked amazing he thought and wished not for the first time that he hadn't wasted the last five years. David threw Beatrice a sideways glance. He saw the determined tilt to her chin.

"Your receptionist is under the impression that Mr Hartnell and Ms Driver will not be joining us until 1.30?" Beatrice told him pointedly, hoping to jostle him into apologising for not informing her about the change in time for the meeting.

He nodded as if it was the simple truth, "Actually, not until 2, I've just let her know." He felt the start of a smile, which he repressed.

"What? Why?" She glowered. "You said to meet at 12.30, right?"

"Ms Driver had a last minute issue to deal with, Mr Hartnell agreed to defer the meeting until 2. We were unable to contact you. Your assistant said you'd left for Auckland." All true. Though the fact was that the last minute issue to deal with was one of his making, so in reality he could have informed Beatrice much earlier about the change in time. But that would have seen her defer her arrival. And that wasn't part of the plan. A lunch date, that was the plan.

Very convenient, thought Beatrice as she scowled openly at him. She mimicked his tone in her head. "Fine. I wont take up your time." She huffed out a breath, exasperation clearly evident in her eyes. "I will return at 2pm." She was annoyed. The man seemed to think he could play games. Waste her time. Mess her about.

"Have you eaten?" David asked and pretended not to have heard her statement about leaving and returning for the meeting.

She shook her head, expecting him to recommend some place nearby for her to get lunch.

"Neither have I." He glanced at her footwear. He was surprised to see that she had a pair of heels on. No wonder she seemed taller, her temple now coasted his jaw line. "Let's go."

She had to keep him at arm's length, but she agreed to go for lunch! Her insides were on a roller coaster ride. She was going to have to do something about her recently infatuation with her current husband! Beatrice knew she was far from perfect, but she knew she was capable of holding onto her facade. Beatrice knew she was not the kind of woman to stand out in a crowd. She had come to expect that David would choose women who did stand out in a crowd. Beatrice's chin came up a fraction more. Beatrice looked at the hand that was wrapped around her upper arm, then she took a breath to calm herself before she looked straight at David.

"I don't want to have lunch with you!"

David tried not to smile. "There's a nice place five minutes, walking distance." Maybe a touch longer if she wasn't used to wearing heels.

"The distance isn't an issue. It is the company!" She muttered.

His smile appeared. His hand smacked his chest, "Gutted!" He said. He liked his wife! "Now, Beatrice, don't be difficult!"

Beatrice blinked. David banked his smile. There was a lot of passion buried beneath that shell of reserve! She needed time to think. David said, "You'd love it!" David waited.

"How would you know?" She muttered. The man was aggravating.

"Come and see for yourself!" David smiled.

For a few seconds, Beatrice hesitated. How hard could it be, keeping him at arm's length? Too hard for her a voice nagged. David noticed her reluctance. So David took control and ushered her to the door! So much for being in control of her own destiny, Beatrice thought as she went through the open door. The more she thought about what had happened, the more confused she became. They were not in a relationship. She didn't know him. She was not interested in this man. She knew that. Well, her head knew that. But her heart was still thinking about it!

It took five minutes, as he'd stated, and the place was not what she expected. Beatrice imagined a billionaire would eat in plush restaurants. She imagined he'd take her to some ostentatious, swanky restaurant. This place was tucked away, a narrow strip of a café. That nearly had her smiling. Obviously he wasn't going to want to take his wife somewhere they might be spotted! That would not help his cause with the long legged blondes queuing up to audition for the role of his wife! Beatrice felt miffed. Blondes get posh, she get's local.

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