Part 64

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Two hours later Beatrice returned to claim her car. No shopping bags. No shopping, she had walked for ages, just going over and over their conversation. It took her nearly an hour to stop her frustration and anger. It took her another hour to gather her wits and intentions.

She felt calm when she reached the office's car park, until she saw her car. For several long seconds she had literally stood on the spot and all but combusted. She was livid. Absolutely livid. Her car was clamped. The man was a law unto himself. He had arranged this car space for her! How dare he have the nerve to clamp her car? Just who did he think he was? She was furious.

In high dudgeon Beatrice marched into the reception area and demanded that they unclamp the car. At which point she was calmly informed that there were signs posted all over the car park indicating that cars parked there without permission could be clamped. In her unflappable voice the receptionist continued with her explanation. Cars given permission were allocated a temporary parking disc to display on their dashboard. The woman had the nerve to remain serene as she told Beatrice that Beatrice did not have a temporary disc displayed and as a consequence her car had been clamped. In contrast to the serene woman providing the information Beatrice went from incensed to combustible once again. Did her husband employ clones? His receptionist was clearly from the same mould as him. Self-possessed. Annoying. And downright frustrating.

As instructed an hour previously, the receptionist advised Beatrice to take the lift up to the fifth floor and ask to speak to Mr Cardoso's PA. The woman had the nerve to smile at her as if she had just bestowed some great honour on Beatrice in permitting her to head on up to the executive floor of the building!

Beatrice was tempted to stamp her foot and throw a hissy fit. She didn't do hissy fits. Until now! Fortunately for Beatrice the receptionist calmly threw in another pertinent bit of information. Mr Cardoso had apparently left his office for a meeting. At least that had stopped her hissy fit. With a smile, the receptionist said that David's PA could ensure that Beatrice's car unclamped. Beatrice banked her glare. Why couldn't David's PA come down and unclamp my car? She wondered.

Well, at least she was spared having to spar with the man again! If he was out of the building she would have that conversation with his PA and be on her way. Beatrice headed for the lift. She intended to do as she was advised by the receptionist. His PA must know that David had expected her to be here this afternoon for that meeting that everyone apart from Beatrice knew was cancelled. Beatrice pressed the button for the fifth floor and watched the receptionist who was smiling broadly at Beatrice even as the doors closed. Clearly the woman knew Beatrice was heading into the Lion's den.

As she rode the lift to the fifth floor Beatrice wondered whether David's PA was the same woman she had dealt with five years ago. What was her name? Scowling as she tried to remember, Beatrice found herself at the fifth floor within seconds of stepping into the elevator. The door opened to reveal a large open space with a desk facing the lift doors. Beatrice glanced to her left and saw a bank of doors, she looked to her right and saw a further set of doors.

The woman sitting at the desk had clearly been told to expect her. She smiled in welcome. Beatrice was starting to realise that she had been strategically steered in this direction. Without a smile on her lips, Beatrice approached a woman of about her age. Beatrice assumed this was David's PA. She was new to Beatrice. The last PA Beatrice had dealt with was a middle aged woman.

Beatrice's countenance had no effect on the PA. Clearly her husband recruited well. His PA seemed unflappable. Beatrice was about to put that to the test. She stalked over toward the desk and without introducing herself demanded flatly that her car be released.

Beatrice said somewhat tersely, "Unclamped my car."

Why bother with the pretence of an introduction? They both knew who she was. They both knew why she was here.

Beatrice gritted her teeth. Unfortunately for her, the one man capable of rattling her could do that, without being present! This was beyond a farce. She wanted her car released and she wanted that to happen right now without any further delay. Beatrice was close to bursting a blood vessel. She realised she'd been taken for a ride. Again.

Was everyone in cahoots here? Why was life suddenly getting so complicated?

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