Part 39

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Beatrice blinked. "Don't you need to check your diary?" She asked somewhat baffled by his easy acceptance of the time and date.

"No." Came the succinct response. Best not to embellish too much.

"Ok." Frowning Beatrice turned, and inched past him because he simply stood his ground despite the fact she needed to get by. She was tempted to say something cutting to get him to move, then thought that was exactly what he was expecting. She headed back into her office. It was a bigger room. She made sure she put the desk between him and her.

"Earlier if you'd prefer." David stated as if he was being perfectly reasonable as he followed her back into her office. "I'll ask my solicitors to arrange things with yours. So it's ok if I ask my solicitor to contact your grandfather's solicitor to get some preliminary thinking underway?"

"Yes." Beatrice said quietly. "I'll call him to let him know. And 12.30 is fine."

"Do you still have my card?" David asked calmly, even as he retrieved his wallet and extracted another business card. "The address." He reached forward, holding the card out to her.

"Thanks." She took it, being extra careful not to touch his fingers. When he stood there, just staring at her, she took matters into her own hands. Smiling without any real warmth she said, "If you don't mind, Mr Cardoso, I have a rather busy afternoon ahead of me."

David was pretty certain she was nervous and anxious about being in his company. But David figured he'd won this particular round, so time to retreat and prepare for the next bout. "Yes. Of course. See you Friday."

And he was elated about that particular fact. David grinned all the way back to his car. For he doubted he knew of anyone who married and then started dating their wives! It was her combination of insolence and gentleness that kept him on his toes. There was nothing placid about Beatrice, but neither was she a shrew. She was sensitive and smart. He was really looking forward to seeing her again. Getting to know his wife better. That was his strategy.

David's smile widened. He believed that through reason and persistence, it was possible to carve out a path to suit your needs.

Beatrice watched his back. That should have clued her in to the fact that things were not quite right. She was pretty sure that David was grinning, despite the fact that all she had was his back! He was behaving like an idiot. But then, so was she. Beatrice glared at David's back, as years of frustration finally came to the surface.

Pretending for years. It had taken years to get used to his easy dismissal of her. It sliced Beatrice's heart into ribbons. Keeping up the pretence was hard: seeing him in the arms of different girlfriends. That hurts. Really hurts. But she didn't show that. But Beatrice was tired. For a long time, inside she was shattering. 

Beatrice turned, and sighed. He was in control of everything. She was mumbling about her situation. That was the trouble. She found him intriguing and annoying. Why? She had yet to figure out what to do about her feelings. Cross. Obviously. He was obnoxious. Then she sighed. Mumbled again. Not cross. That wasn't the issue. Not her anger. The question was: What was she going to do about her unexpected feelings? Beatrice huffed out a sigh and folded her arms.

When had this man gone from being her irritating husband, to the man who bewitched her? How? What charm? He was insufferable. The trouble was that she was really good at pushing his buttons. And he was good at pushing her buttons. The wrong buttons!

He was good-looking, handsome, no denying that. Sighing, again. She considered herself an intelligent woman, one who knew when best to leave things alone. But she was still thinking about them. They probably made an odd couple, she figured, as she glanced down at her attire, not a designer label. David was wearing designer label. She frowned in earnest. Their clothing was not the issue. With a contrite shrug she moved toward the door. Beatrice shook her head in exasperation. Her emotions went onto a rollercoaster. She was starting to get annoyed with herself! She was stubborn and independent. Yet, he had persuaded her into another meeting with him.

When he'd left earlier, she was pretty sure he was smiling to himself. She wasn't smiling.

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