Chapter 48 Monday Morning, Tuesday

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"Detective what happened?" an officer standing by the entrance to the bank asked.

"There has been some new light shed." Alix said with a blank stare.

"Detective there is a body in the vault."

Alix looked at the officer with an emotionless look, "Yes I know, he pulled the trigger of his guns, so I killed him."

"That explains the shots we heard," the officer said, oblivious to Alix's mind being elsewhere.

Andrew listened as best he could to the conversation from the back of the cop car. He had a paperclip in his back pants pocket. He had already obtained the paperclip and was now working on uncuffing himself. Which he succeeded in doing a few seconds later.

Alix was paying no attention to him, as her back was turned to her cop car.

Andrew was bleeding on the seat, which acted as a motivator to get somewhere where JD could find him and patch him up. No one noticed Alix had walked out with someone. Which became an advantage, no one noticed that someone escaping the handcuffs and getting out of the back of the cop car. He was gone as soon as he opened the back door and was not seen by any cameras.

"Did you get a lead on these heists?" The officer asked after some silence had passed.

Alix turned towards her cop car. No one was in the back seat. Alix smiled, but a microexpression of worry appeared for a microsecond, but within another microsecond was replaced with her smile.

"No, the crew is one of the best I have ever seen." Alix said, as nothing else was to be said at that moment in time, her best evidence and suspect was gone.

"Do you know who the man you killed is?" The interested office questioned.

"Yes I do, he was my father." Alix turned around and left without saying anything else. She did notice blood in her back seat and worry flowed through her body. She may have been mad at him, but she hoped he would survive whatever his wounds were.


Andrew stumbled through back alleys, dripping blood off his right hand fingertips. The blood would be cleaned up by Tim later, and no trail would lead back to Andrew's apartment. Andrew paged JD and barely made it to his front door. JD found Andrew passed out on the floor in front of his front door, with a faint pulse. JD took him into Andrew's apartment and fixed him up. A bullet through his bicep and two dug deep into his shoulder.

Andrew woke up in pain and saw Rufus below him and JD walking over with a glass of water.

"What the hell happened?" JD asked.

"I found the father, George Castillo. I also found my father's killer."

"Woah!" JD said as he handed Andrew the glass of water.

"At our latest heist, G-Home Finance, Alix asked me to come down and help with ideas. The father was waiting in the vault. She learned about her father and now knows the truth about the heist show and my first name, nothing more."

"Sorry boss. How did you get shot?"

"The father shot me out of anger and a misguided idea of protection. Alix shot and killed him. She didn't notice I had been shot too." He shifted and groaned. "Except there is definitely blood in the back seat of her cop car."


"She arrested me and put me in the back of the cop car. I escaped while she was in talking to another officer."

"That's why you are our leader. I had Tim clean up the droplets of blood in the alley, so they can't follow it back here I'll let you sleep, but I'm gonna stick around to make sure you are alright."

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