Chapter 30| Saturday Morning Snuggles

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Lil' warning on this chapter for a few things. X

Vote and comment throughout? XX

I grumbled slightly as the cold wrapped around my naked skin before I sat up. The sheet fell from my chest and I instantly blushed when I remembered where I was. Nervous, I turned my head to see if Killian was awake or if he saw but I was shocked when I noticed his space was empty...and cold.

My mind instantly began to panic as I only imagined the worst. He left, you weren't good enough for him. He was only using you- At that one thought I instantly shook it all away. Killian would never do that to me and I need to stop seeing the worst in everyone.

Quietly, I slipped out of the sheets and reached for the closest clothes to me.

Such a shame... it was Killian's shirt.

I put the button-down shirt on which just came to the top of my leg before I opened up the door in search of my man. I walked out into the big open plan Lounge/Kitchen area and I was instantly startled when I saw a dark figure in the kitchen. Their back was facing me and their head was down as their muscles twitched in the glowing moonlight. Only the dim light above the oven was on which caused a dark silhouette to form.

"You scared the crap out of me Killian!" I sighed as my hand rested against my racing chest. "Oh, sorry." He mumbled emotionlessly which made me wonder instantly if something was wrong. I walked over without another thought and almost audibly gasped when I saw what he was holding.

A glass of rum.

"K-k-Killian?" I stuttered in fear; not because I was scared of him, but scared of what he may have already done. He only looked at me briefly before looking back and spinning the brown liquid in it's tumbler, the bottle on the side. "K-Killian? H-have you drank any?" I paused in anticipation desperate for an answer.

"Nope" He mumbled before slamming the glass on the counter. In that split second he grabbed my face in his hands and brought me into a gentle peck when he saw a large amount of worry on my face. We both paused for a few moments, wondering who would speak first. My hands were resting on his naked chest, only his sweatpants covering his legs.

"Are you okay?" I said shyly as I cocked my head to the side and stroked my thumb along his scar. He instantly flinched away. He seemed to pause for a few minutes, deciding what to say. "Nope" he shook his head as I caught a wash of tears in his eyes. "Hey, come on. Let's talk" I whispered as I grabbed his hand and moved him slightly to the left. I jumped up and sat on the edge of the counter and pulled him closer so he was between my legs.

"What's up?" I whispered as I pressed my forehead into his. "It's temptations Swan." He gritted. "Come on talk to me. What's going through your head?" I asked pleadingly. At first he just shook his head  but I caught his cheek in my hand and he stopped. "I don't e-even have a r-r-reason. I have everything I need and want right in front of me. I don't know why I'm tempted now. It's 4 in the bloody morning!" He snapped.

"Hey calm down okay. Just breathe. Deep breaths. Okay?" I started, "Look Killian I know I'm not a therapist and I'm just some teenager but it's okay to want to do it again. Probably our talk last night brought this on... But you need to make the decision of what type of man you want to be. I'm not going to stop you from drinking that alcohol because it's 100% your choice and I'm  going to support you no matter what but it's up to you. You can choose the man you want to be..." My heart was pounding as he walked back over to the glass and the bottle.

His fist wrapped around it as his knuckles turned white. He picked up the small tumbler in his hand and threw it into the sink causing it to shatter into pieces, initially scared me. "I don't want to be that man Emma... please, help me" He croaked as he brought me into his chest for a little cuddle.

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