Chapter 39

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Shauna POV

I run out of Zeke's house crying. Did he really have to say it in such a hurtful way?! I immediately get in my car and drive home, not even stopping at red lights.

When I get home I go straight into my room and lock my door.

I know I did wrong.

I know I messed up.

I know I hurt my friends.

I know I hurt Zeke.

I know I have to pay the price for what I've done.

I grab my favourite notebook and scribble down a message and leave it open on that page. Then I go into my bathroom. This is the only way I can make things right.

Lynn POV

After Shauna left, we all continued the game.
"Four, T or D?" Uriah asks.
"I dare you to kiss Zeke." He laughs.
"Uriah actually made up a good dare! Our little Uriah's all grown up!" I tease.
He pokes his tongue out at me.
"Well, maybe not that grown up." I add, rolling my eyes.
"Whatever, I'm man enough to do this." Four states.
He goes over to Zeke and quickly kisses him. As we're all laughing our heads off, my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller I.D and see Mum. That's weird, she never calls me. I answer it and all I can hear are Mum's sobs.
"Lynn, come home. Quick. And bring your friends." My mum manages to say between painful sobs.
"Okay." Is all I say before hanging up.
The gang stare at me expectantly.
"We need to go to my house." I say in a monotone voice.
It takes a lot to make my mum simply shed a tear. What could've happened?

We all get into our cars and drive to my house. I go inside first and I can't find my mum anywhere.
"MUM?!" I scream, getting panicked.
I hear sobs from upstairs and run to the noise, motioning for the group to follow. It's... Shauna's room.
"Mum? What's happened?" I ask, feeling tears in my eyes and a sob in my throat, expecting the worst.
She sobs and motions towards Shauna's bathroom. I gulp and open the door slowly. And lying there is Shauna's lifeless body, three empty packets of tablets on the side. I sob escapes my lips for the first time in my life as my legs give way and I fall to the floor.

Marlene POV

I hear sobs that sound unnatural. Lynn. My mind races with possibilities. Lynn never cries. Ever. I don't think she's ever cried in her life, even as a baby. I go into the bathroom Lynn went into and see Lynn on her knees, holding on to somebody's hands. I look at the owner of the hands... Shauna. Her face is pale, her eyes are bloodshot and her chest isn't moving. She's lifeless. I kneel beside Lynn and engulf her into a hug.
"I'm sorry." I whisper into her ear, trying not to cry, trying to stay strong for Lynn.
"You can cry if you want." Lynn mutters against my chest.
I let out a sob as I clutch on to Lynn tighter.
"I love you." I tell her, for the first time.
"I love you, too." She sobs.
We rest our heads on each other's shoulders and help each other through the pain.

Uriah POV

Marlene goes into the bathroom after we hear Lynn crying. I start to hear a high pitched sobbing that I immediately recognise as Mar's. No. I don't love her anymore. At all. But I do still care about her as a friend. I slowly open the door and see Lynn and Mar clutching on to each other and a lifeless Shauna lying on the floor next to them. I try to hold in a scream and it turns into a gasp. Shauna's... dead?


"Shauna." Uriah manages to say, a year trickling down his face.
"What do you mean?" I ask, as Abbie goes up to comfort him.
"She's- She's dead." He says, starting to shake.
Me and Shauna weren't exactly the closest of our group of friends but she was still my friend. My friend who's dead. I stand, eyes wide, letting the information sink in.

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