Chapter 33

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Lucas POV

Tris comes down the stairs, hair messed up slightly. I feel a slight sigh escape my lips. Even though I know Tris wasn't in the right mind set when she kissed me, I wish she was. I wish she'd notice that I'm here. Right here. Waiting for her. Ready to hold her with open arms. I hear a bang and then Four comes running down the stairs, also with messy hair.
"Are you two..." I trail off.
"No. We're just friends. We kissed for the sake of the dare, that's all." Tris explains, smiling at me.
I return the smile but can also feel Four glaring at me as he sits back on my lap.
"Dude. You do realise how freaking heavy you are, right?" I gasp, all the oxygen knocked out of me.
"Yes I do. Here's the deal, whoever gets asked next, asks the other and we choose dare and it'll be for me to get off of you. Deal?" He proposes.
"Deal." I say, relieved.
"Uriah, truth or dare?" Tris asks.
I smile at her, I just can't help it.
"Dare! I'm no pansycake!" He exclaims.
"Right, okay." She grins evilly.

She proceeds to crawls over to him and whispers into his ear. His eyes go wide but then he nods and gets up with Tris. They're gone for about five minutes before Tris comes back laughing.

Uriah comes out wearing girls underwear from somewhere like Victoria's Secret. He looks at me then shrugs, "Sorry."
I raise my eyebrows but then he straddles Abbie and starts kissing her and grinding on her.
"MY EYES! MY PRECIOUS EYES!" I scream and turn away.
"Okay, Lukey. They're done," Tris laughs, "You can keep those Uriah, I don't exactly want them back."
He simply shrugs and goes out the room to get changed.
"You had to dare him that? In front of me?" I say, shaking my head.
"Yup." She grins.

Uriah comes back and takes his seat. His gaze turns to me, "Lucas, truth or dare?"
"Truth." I say, not wanting one of his immature dares.
"Why was that so bad to watch?" He asks, laughing.
"Because you were making out and grinding on my little sister. Not a nice thing for a big brother to watch now, is it?"
"I don't know. It was pretty hot." Uriah smirks.
I just roll my eyes, "Four, truth or dare?"
"Get the fuck off me."
He laughs and gets off me gladly. I immediately stretch then relax.

Christina POV

"Will, T or D?" Four asks.
"Kiss someone you'd date apart from Chris."
I shoot Four my worst death glare then turn my attention to Will. His eyes meet mine and he shakes his head.
"No. I won't do that to Chrissy. And anyways, I wouldn't want to date anybody but her."
I smile and grab his head, meeting his lips to mine.
"Right, this is getting boring. Someone chug a beer." Tris states.
Zeke jumps up and drinks the beer in less than thirty seconds. He places it in the middle of us.
"Minimum 5 seconds. Will goes first." Tris smiles.
He shrugs, quickly pecks my lips, then spins the bottle. It lands on Marlene. They kiss for spot on five seconds then pull apart. Mar spins and it lands on Uriah. Oh no. I see Abbie and Lynn tense up at the fact that their boyfriend/girlfriend is about to kiss their ex. They kiss for the five seconds and I can tell it's Uriah who pulls away, not the other way round.
Then it's Uriah's turn. It lands on Lucas. Everybody apart from those two laugh hysterically.
"Go on Lukey-Luke. See how amazing of a kisser my boyfriend is." Abbie teases.
I can't help myself when I go up and high-five her. She gives me a weird look, but accepts it and high-fives me.
"Let's get this over with." Uriah shivers.
I laugh again as they awkwardly press their lips together. They break apart slightly before the five seconds are up and scrub and their mouths. Abbie laughs and kisses Uriah quickly.
"Bro, I've got to say. Your little sister's a much better kisser than you." Uriah states.
"Good to know." Lucas retorts as he spins the bottle and it lands on... me.
We kiss for dead on five seconds and break apart.
"This is really boring. Let's put on a movie?" I suggest.
Everybody nods and Tris goes to get all her DVD's.

Tris POV

I get my collection of movies:
The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, City of Bones, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, Warm Bodies, The Host, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, House at The End of The Street, American Hustle, X-Men: First Class, and then to top it all off; Frozen.
"Holy fuck, you've got a good DVD collection. I vote any Jennifer Lawrence movie, Warm Bodies, City of Bones or Frozen. The Percy Jackson's aren't true to the books, even if Logan Lerman is hot as fuck and Perks and The Host make me cry like mad." Abbie says.
"You never told us you were into reading... or that you felt human emotion?!" Four exclaims.
She goes up to him and slaps him. Hard.
"Yeah, she absolutely loves to read. It must be one of the only times she's peaceful. Well, when she's not crying over them." Lucas tells us.
"And she's mad for Jennifer Lawrence." Uriah adds.
I shrug, "What movie then?"
"House at The End of The Street. That's the only one I haven't seen." Zeke suggests.
We all nod so I put it in the player. I take a seat on the sofa and Lucas and Four sit either side of me, Al sitting on the floor below me. I roll my eyes and decide to lie down. Who do I put my head on? I decide to go for Lucas. I can't look into Four's eyes; I'll melt. It's peaceful for the first ten minutes or so, Lucas simply playing with my hair, which I'm fine with. Then I feel fingers on my feet, tickling them. I burst out into laughter and everybody looks at me like I'm nuts apart from Four.
"Four. Stop it." I say, still laughing.
He chuckles and carries on tickling my feet, "Why should I?"
"Because I'm begging you."
"Nope!" He says, moving his hands up to my waist to tickle me there.
"Fine!" I exclaim, switching my position so that my head's on Four's lap instead.
"Better?" I ask.
"Much." He responds with a slight smirk.
I roll my eyes and let him trace patterns on my face, not daring to look into his eyes.
"Tris. Tris. Tris, look at me." Four whispers.
I shake my head and just snuggle my head slightly into his chest, making myself more comfortable.
"You comfy?" He asks.
"Yes." I respond simply.
I feel my eyelids getting heavy and allow sleep to take me.

Four POV

Tris falls asleep and I can't help myself when I kiss her forehead and whisper, "Sleep tight, Bea."
I start playing with her hair and trace multiple patterns on her face.

She begins to stir as the movie finishes. I rub my thumb in a circle on her cheek, waking her up fully.
"I DID NOT EXPECT THAT ENDING! THE PHYSCO DUDE WAS MADE TO BE HIS DEAD SISTER?! FUCKED UP!" Zeke exclaims, obviously having enjoyed the movie.
"How long was I asleep?" Tris asks me.
I smile, "Around a hour, the movies just finished."
"I can tell by the screaming." She chuckles.
I laugh and put one arm over her, pulling her closer to me.
"Four, don't do that."
"I'm asking, please don't."
"So I can't do this?" I ask as I move my hands over her sides, like I always used to, to win her over.
"Especially that." She says.
I'm about to do it again when she sits up.
"Right guys, grab a room if you can, if you can't, the sofas are plenty comfortable." Tris says, heading towards her bedroom. Will and Christina, Mar and Lynn, Abbie and Uriah all get a room as couples, Zeke and Lucas getting separate rooms. Al takes the sofa and I find myself wandering into Tris' room.
"What are you doing, Four?"
"Can I sleep in here?" I ask, sheepishly.
"On the floor, yes. In the bed, no." She says, her voice sleepy.
"Okay." I say, making my way towards her. I kiss her forehead and whisper, "Goodnight, Bea. I've just realised why I like calling you Bea. Bea for Beautiful."
"Just get in the damn bed, Four."
I smile and get in the other side.
"Can I hold you?" I ask.
"No. Turn round and face the other way." She demands before her breaths even, signifying that she's asleep.
I disobey her wishes and place my hand under her waist and turn her around so she's facing me. I smile, place my other hand over her waist and go to sleep.

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