Chapter 12

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Tris POV

After Lucas, Uriah and Abbie leave I turn to everyone else.
"I think you should all leave."
Everybody nods and leaves apart from Toby.
"You can't get rid of my that easily, Bea." He smiles.
"You know I didn't mean you, Toby."
"I know."
"What you said to Lucas and how you turned him down so quickly because of us-"
"I love you, Toby. Why shouldn't I do that?"
"I love you too, Bea. I really really do."
I lean in to kiss him as the doorbell rings.
"Who could that be?" I ask Tobias.
"Beats me."

I get up to answer the door, Four following me. I open the door and see...them.

I slam the door in their faces and sob into Toby's chest.
"Is- is that them?" He asks me.
I nod, still sobbing.
"Please don't let them do anything to me. Please. Please, Toby."
"Shhh. Bea. It's okay, I've got you. It's okay." He soothes.
I nod.
"Trissy, baby! Come on! Come out! All we want to do is... play." One of them shouts.
"What are their names, Bea?" Four whispers into my ear.
I gulp, "Eric and Peter."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! 1vote=next chapter!

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