Chapter 3

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Four POV

The rest of the day goes by very quickly. When the end of the day bell rings, I meet up with the others in the quad.
"Do you guys want to have a truth or dare game at my place?" Zeke asks us.
"Sure." We all reply.
We head into the parking lot and Tris walks to a black Ferrari.
"Woah, that's yours?!" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm kinda rich." She smiles.
"Can I have a ride?"
"Sure." She says and gets in the drivers seat.
I grin and get in the passenger seat.

Tris POV

Four grins before getting into the passenger seat. I feel myself blush slightly. Do I like him?
"I don't exactly know where Zeke and Uriah's house is." I say to him.
"Can I drive?" He asks me.
"Yeah, just don't get a scratch on my car or I'll have to kill you." I tell him.
He laughs and moves over to the drivers seat as I get out the car.
I get in the other side of the car and turn on the radio.

We arrive within minutes, but we never talked at all. There's nothing to talk about, I guess. He hops out the car and opens my door for me.
"After you, m'lady."
I laugh and get out the car.
"Keys." I demand and hold out my hand.
He laughs and hands them over.
"Good. Now come on." I say and drag him towards the front door.

Four POV

I open the front door to Zeke and Uriah's house; they never leave it locked. Tris goes off to talk to Chris and Zeke come over to me.
"Did you make your move?" He whispers.
"Naa, we hardly talked." I sigh.
"I'm going to help you. Call me... The Love Whisperer." He says dramatically.
I laugh and sit on the floor where they've made space for us all to sit. Everybody joins me and I feel myself blush slightly when Tris sits next to me. I look around at everyone: Me, Tris, Chris, Will, Al, Lynn, Uriah, Marlene, Shauna and Zeke.
"I'm going first!" Uriah shouts and pokes his tongue out at Zeke. Tris chuckles next to me and I smile very slightly, hoping she doesn't notice.
"Just so you know for your dares, Will and Chris, Shauna and Zeke and Marlene and Uriah are together." I whisper into her ear.
She blushes and just nods at me.

"Right, Trissy-Poo, Truth or Dare."
"Please, I beg, don't all me Trissy-Poo ever again! And dare."
"I dare you to... Sit in Four's lap for the rest of the night." Uriah smiles knowingly at me.
I roll my eyes.
"Can't be that bad." Tris says, sounding bored.
I open my arms up and Tris launches herself on to my lap.
She laughs and makes herself comfortable.

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