Chapter 22

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Lucas POV

We arrive at Tris' house before mine.
"I meant to ask, do you want to come in?" She asks me.
I nod, trying not to show my excitement. Tris invited me, just me, to her house.
"You can get out the car, you know." Tris laughs.
I realise I was so lost in thoughts she'd already gotten out the car.
"Oh, yeah. Nearly forgot." I say.
'Nearly forgot'?! Damn, how stupid am I?! Tris laughs again and opens the car door for me. I nod slightly and get out the car. She takes my hand and pulls me inside her house. I feel myself blush slightly. I'm not meant to blush! She'll think I'm weak! We go into what must be her living room.
"What movie do you want to watch? I'm in the mood for a sad movie when people have pathetic lives." Tris says sadly.
I sit on her sofa, "Tris, come here."
She frowns and then sits next to me.
"Tris, you're perfect. You don't have a pathetic life, you have an amazing one. You have two lads, and I don't even know what to count Peter and Eric as, fighting over you. You're beautiful."
She blushes ferociously but then gets up.
"What movie then?" She asks me.
I sigh very slightly, "I don't know... The Perks of Being a Wallflower?"
"Yes! I knew you'd be amazing at choosing a movie. Now go order pizza whilst I get the movie on."

I nod and walk into her kitchen. I find a pizza leaflet and call the number. I order a large margarita pizza and go to go back into the living room.
"And who are you?" I hear a male voice say.
I turn round and am looking at a boy around our age who looks a bit like Tris, "Lucas, a friend of Tris', who are you?"
"Caleb, Tris' older brother. What happened to number boy?"
I laugh a bit, "Best for her to tell you that."
He nods and goes up the stairs.

I actually go back to Tris this time to find her curled up on the sofa. I smile and sit next to her.
"Press play, Lucas. I'm tired." She moans.
I nod, grab the remote and press play.
"Em, do you want me to move so you can lie down?" I ask.
"No, it's fine," She says, lying down, her head on my lap, "See?"
"I see." I say, stroking her hair.
She taps my leg, "Thanks, Lukey."
"Lukey? And what for?"
"Yes, Lukey. Accept it. And for staying with me. I know I said I wanted to stay by myself but I'm glad you stayed." She says sleepily.
"It was no problem. Now go to sleep, Tris."
She nods and drifts off in my lap, the movie still playing in the background.

Tris POV

I wake up, my head resting in someone's lap. I awkwardly get up and see it's Lucas. He smiles at me. Oh, that's right. He stayed with me.
"How long was I asleep?" I ask him.
"Hello to you to, sleeping beauty. And only a couple of hours. I paid and ate the pizza." He says, still smiling.
"Why are you smiling so much?" I ask him, confused.
"No proper reason, I guess." He shrugs.
"LUCAS! TELL ME!" I shout.
"You mumbled my name in your sleep. But you called me 'Lukey'." He continues to smile.
"What else did I say in my sleep?"
"Well you mumbled 'Lauren' and then 'bitch' then 'Toby, I love you' and then 'Lukey'. About that, who's Toby? Like a pet or something?"
I stutter, "No- no one."
He nods, unconvinced.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"Like six o'clock."
"Okay, should you get going?"
"If you want me to."
I nod. I actually need to be by myself now.
"Okay. Goodbye, Tris. I love you."
I don't know what to do so I just say, "Goodbye, Lukey."
He smiles again and leaves the house.

A/N: Not the longest chapter, I know. One vote =next chapter!

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