Chapter 29

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Four POV

I wake up with a huge headache. I must've got drunk. I feel somebody's presence next to me so I turn round to look and I see... a naked Lauren? When did that happen? I shake her awake.
"Hey, babe." She says, smiling.
"Why are you naked and in my bed?" I ask.
"Oh, right. Forgot you were drunk. Silly me. We did it. Twice. And you asked me to be your girlfriend and I said yes."
"I don't believe you."
"Fine, don't believe me. But you wanted to record it because you said, and I quote, 'I want to be able to see your sexy body against mine every day'."
She tosses me a camcorder and I hit play. She was right. Damn. Then I remember what happened before that. Tris kissing Lucas.
"You know what?" I ask.
"What?" She replies, confused.
"I stand by every word I said." I kiss her and she kisses back straight away.
"Babe, we've got school." Lauren says.
"Ah, right. You don't by any chance have proper clothes on you?"
"Do you have in your locker?"
She nods so I go into my closet and get my smallest clothes.
"Put these on, then change at school." She nods and changes. I change as well and head downstairs, Lauren following me. I go into the kitchen and Zeke's standing there, eating toast.
"Are you two together?" He asks, his eyes wide open.
"Yep." I say as I kiss her again.
"What about Tris?!"
"I saw her kissing Lucas." I shrug.
"Right, we need to get to school." Zeke says, his eyes full of disappointment in me.

We get to school and Lauren runs to her locker, and then the toilets. Then Tris walks up to me, eyes red and puffy.
"Toby, we need to talk."
"Don't call me that anymore. I'm Four to you. And by the way, we're over."
"Why? What have I done?" She asks, tears running down her face.
"I saw you kiss Lucas. I was going to apologise. By the way, she kissed me and I pushed her off immediately. But then, once I saw you and Lucas together, I went back to the dance, got drunk, and had sex with Lauren, who's now my girlfriend. Bye, Tris."
I walk away from the open-mouthed, tear-ridden Tris and wait outside the ladies toilets. Lauren comes out in her own clothes and I take her hand, heading towards form.

Tris POV

As Four walks away, I feel the tears coming down my face like waves. I'm so stupid. And now he's with Lauren. I hear footsteps behind me and see Shauna, Eric and Peter.
"What do you want?!" I scream.
"Well, I overheard that little conversation of yours and now you're single, I don't even have to be worried about boyfriends and all that crap when I do this." Peter says as he pushes me against the lockers, kissing me.
"Peter! I'm not in the mood! I'm never in the mood for you! Just leave me the fuck alone!"
"You'll come crawling soon enough." He says with a smirk as he walks off with Eric and Shauna.

"Tris! Tris, are you alright?!" The whole group has gathered around me, Lucas standing next to me. He's the one who asked if I'm alright.
"Not really. Four broke up with me and is going out with Lauren and Peter has just pushed me against the lockers and kissed me." I say, sobbing.
"Uriah. Come with me. Now." Abbie demands, running towards the direction of our form room.
"Guess we should get going as well." Chris says, giving me a slight hug.
I nod and we all make our way to form. I walk through the door and see Four on the floor, Abbie kicking his head.
She sees me and walks over.
"Hi." Is all she says.
"Woah." Zeke says.
She rolls her eyes, flicks him off and takes her seat, an unconscious Four lying on the floor beside her. I see Lauren go to slap Abbie and before I can say a word of warning, Abbie's got a firm grip on her arm and punches her in the stomach. As she goes to walk past Uriah, he sticks his foot out, making her trip up: face first.

I walk over to Abbie.
"Thank you, but you really didn't have to go that far."
"Oh, but I did." She says as Uri kisses her forehead as he takes his seat next to her.
"Uri?" I ask.
"Yeah, Tris?"
"Don't cheat or even dump Abbie. I don't think you would live." I laugh.
"I wasn't planning on dumping her, ever." He says with a smile.
I take my seat next to Lucas as Miss. Wu walks into the classroom.
"What happened?" She asks, looking at Four and the bump on Lauren's head.
"People needed to learn a lesson." Will states.
"Well, okay then. You guys talk among yourselves, I'm going to get the nurse." She says and walks back out the room.
I've got a feeling today will be very eventful.

A/N: One vote=next chapter.

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