-Thirty Eight- * -Two Days-

Start from the beginning

Vincent was silently observing her movements. “Why do you want to kill me? What have I ever done to you?” Savannah cursed at herself for having her voice break at the end. Vincent pondered his thought for a moment before answering. “You carry immortal blood, you will be immortal. That’s enough reason. But at first I was going to keep you as my own.. Marry you and keep your blood here with Payne. But the werewolves had already changed your mind.. You are truly one of them. So you can’t live. We need your blood..” 

His answer was honest, and she was thankful for the honesty. “So what’s the plan then for the night I turn eighteen, you do realize it is only two nights away?” Vincent nodded his head silently. “What we have planned is our business alone, not yours, I won’t answer than question” Vincent looked bored and started to yawn Savannah felt annoyed with him. “And what about the werewolves?” She finally asked. She worked her way up to this question, she knew it was time to finally ask it.

“What about them? Well the night you turn eighteen and become immortal is the same night the war between vampires and werewolves shall occur. Unfortunately that will be very hard for us as we already had plans for you and slightly ruins them. But once those wolves are dead it will no longer matter” 

Before she could ask another question, Vincent stepped in. “Sow here is your so called werewolves boyfriend, shouldn’t he be here to save you?” Savannah felt fresh tears burn at her eyes. He was testing her. He knew that she couldn’t contact Ben. Yet he was making her remember it. “He can’t even communicate with you, with all the guards we have out there. It’s so sweet” Vincent grinned as tears fell down Savannah’s cheeks. “Shut up!” she screamed before standing up. He growled at her. “Sit down” Savannah began breathing heavily form the overwhelming tears. “No” She spat, refusing him.

This didn’t sit well with him as he pinned her down on her back. He gripped her wrists tightly and tighter, within seconds there was the sounds of crunching, and sickening cracking. Savannah screamed in agony. He had just broke both of her wrists. Unable to move her hands at all at this point Vincent let them go and continued to hold her down by her waist. 

“I will rip that little werewolf’s head off! I will make sure you watch too before I kill you! I’m going to make you watch as I tear your little friend’s body limb from limb, you will watch as she screams in agony and blood splats all over you… and you’ll watch as I drain you completely…I want you to suffer you stupid human” 

“no, please leave them alone” Savannah whimpered. Vincent grabbed her by the arm lifting her from the bed, he tossed her over his shoulder. Savannah just lay limp over his shoulder, she couldn’t move her hands due to the immense pain of him snapping the bones in her wrists. Vincent brought her to her bedroom. Once inside he tossed her on the bed and walked out. “Catch you soon” He smirked.

Savannah let herself sob as she felt the pain in her wrists. “Savannah?” Kent spoke gently from the side of her. “He really did a number on you..” He spoke regrettably. “Let’s fix you up” After forty minutes Kent had gotten a doctor in the room, who had bandaged both of Savannah’s wrists and gave her some pain medication. She started to feel better, and could finally move her hands, even if it was just a little. “What do I do?” Savannah began to cry. The reality finally set itself in as she realized she was screwed. “You’re going to get through this human, just trust yourself. We’ll find a way” Kent’s words were empty, and Savannah had no energy to tell him that she didn’t believe in herself, to him.

Within moments Savannah found herself falling asleep due to the pain medication.

Ben paced through his home back and fourth. He punched a nearby wall, making several holes in it, his hand healing immediately. “Ben, you need to calm down. Punching walls won’t solve anything, nor will it help save her” Kayla’s words were truthful but Ben couldn’t think about the right thing to do. All he could think of was his Savvy. What condition was she in. Now that Kayla left her side he wasn’t so sure she was safe.

“They are going to kill her, how am I supposed to calm down? I’m ready to rip that mother fucker to shreds, damn leech” Ben’s words made Kayla flinch and she felt horrible suddenly. Guilty for leaving Savannah to fend for herself. Bu what else was she to do? She could’ve been just as useless if she were still with Savannah, those vampires were serious now and they were guarding everything. 

“No one can get close” Ben’s mother finally spoke entering the room. “We tried everything” Another werewolf said, annoyed. “This is driving me crazy, if she dies before we get there, I don’t know what I’ll do…” Ben trailed at the end letting his words fall. “I sense that Savannah is okay for the time being, we should train. We have two nights as of now” His mother was stern and soon Ben and Kayla found themselves walking into the large basement of their mansion. 

“Let’s begin” Ben spoke seriously. He had 48 hours to train, and he was going to use that time wisely. He was worried about Savannah. No doubt. But he had to keep up his pace. He needed to fight for her, despite the outcome that may be.

[[ Authors Note: I know this took a while. I posted a note to you guys last weekend about why. So I hope you understand. I hope you guys like this chapter. More soon. (: ]]

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