42- Endless Night (*)

Começar do início

Loki doesn't get to respond, because the door of my cell clangs open, and I see something I wish I never would see again. Kafrandi, slithering towards me, his teeth yellow and rotting and sharp, in the company of two other Imeldi and two human guards, their eyes solid black. Instinctively, I try to back up, but I obviously can't, and my spine digs into the rough wall. 

One of the humans steps forward. With a prick, he attaches what looks like an IV onto my arm, the same one with vervain still traveling through. It's attached to a bag that is attached to the soldier's belt. 

The other human, who is speaking to one of the Imeldi, the taller one, addresses me. In a creepy monotone voice, he says, "Your name?"

"Mine?" I ask, my voice shaking.

He doesn't respond, but stares at me. Kafrandi's tail rattles. 


I hear Loki grab the bars next to me, "No, Thea, no, no-"

He's cut off, because I scream as I feel more of the vervain shot into my arm. It's burning so horrifically, I feel like my skin and organs are being melted off. I hear Loki shout something, but I can't hear it. 

As the stars floating in front of me subside slightly, I hear the soldier. "Your name?" he repeats. 

I feel saliva on my lips as I gag. "...Th...Th...Thea."

"How did you come across such power?"

"...What...power...?" I whisper.

"Your talent for combat, as gained from the power of the Imeldi on the night that your parents died."

"I...I don't know..." I say. 

More vervain. More burning. More shouting.

"I don't know!" I scream. "Please, please, just STOP IT! LOKI STOP IT PLE-E-E-ESE."

"Thea!" yells Loki, shaking the bars uselessly. 

"Then answer us this." The same voice. "Where is your sister?"

Panic floods through me as the vervain circulates through my body. 

"This answer, it is apparent that you know it. Where is she?"

"No, please no!" I wail. "I won't, I won't tell you!" 

I shriek again. 

I twist and contort in inhuman ways as try to stop the boiling on my skin, inside my body, all around me. I feel like I am on fire, like I am being burned alive at a stake. 

"Human girl," says the clearly-human guard. "It would be in your best interest that you would disclose this information. Although we cannot kill you, we can make you suffer."

"I...I got that..." I rasp. 

"Where isssss your ssssisssster?" This comes from Kafrandi, hissed between his teeth, the immortal snake that refuses to die no matter how many times Loki kills it. 

The question is accompanied by more vervain, more pain, and more screaming. My vocal chords are going to give out. 

"I will never ever tell you!" I sob. 

I shriek again. 

"Stop this!" yells Loki. "She's just a child!"

"A child with more power and more information than she is willing to diverge," says the monotone human. "Now if she does not divulge this information, she will suffer a thousand times more."

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora