Ch.54 ~ *Dramatic Piano Solo*(Important AN)

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Hi. My name is, Dan. (sorry but I had to 😂)

So anyways I'm just gonna cut to the chase on this, I have just started a new book called 'Klance COMICS!!' Which is pretty much the same kind of book as this (comic book) but it is about Klance (Keith X Lance) instead of Legend of Zelda. If you have watched Voltron and ship these two adorable boys plus you enjoy comics and Fanart like this, you should go read it. If you haven't watched Voltron I highly recommend it to you, it is on Nexflix, season 5 just came out (2/3/2018) (really cool & #notmyshiro) and even if you don't want to watch Voltron or just can't afford Netfix this is still a ship for everyone to enjoy and love so you should check it out anyways. 

Bye for now!

Legend of Zelda COMICS!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin