Chapter 25

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        I woke up to the sound of the television. Some show on Cloo was playing. I stood up from the bed and turned off the TV. After that, the house was silent. I assumed everyone had been sleeping. There’s nothing I wanted more right now than a bottle of Jack. Well, that’s what my headache wanted.

        Instead, I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower. I felt more clean than I had in a while, which was weird. Maybe it was the body wash I was using. With wet hair and a towel wrapped around my body, I pranced downstairs. I made my way into the kitchen and pulled two slices of bread from the bread box and put it in the toaster. While that was heating, I grabbed a plate from the cabinet. The towel almost slipped from my hands but I managed to grab it.

        “That was a close one.” A voice called behind me.

        I jumped and set the plate down. “You scared the shit out of me, Gabriel.” I slapped his chest.

        “Making toast?” Gabriel asked, grabbing bread and a plate.

        I nodded. “You bet.”

        He looked at me and smiled. “I’m glad you’re eating on your own.”

        “It’s not like I was really refusing to eat. My stomach just didn’t agree with the idea.” I rolled my eyes at his comment.

        “How’s your stomach now?” He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

        “It’s feeling better.” I smiled. How is he acting so normal after last night?

        When the toast popped up, Gabriel and I both jumped out of our skin. Before getting the toast, I gave him a smirk.

        “That never happened.” He pointed a finger at me.

        Again, I rolled my eyes. “Yeah whatever, scaredy cat.”

        “Hey, you’re the one in a towel making breakfast.” He walked past me, looking me up and down, and slid his own bread in the toaster.

        I almost forgot I was in a towel. It hardly passed the middle of my thighs at the highest point. I shrugged it off. I’m comfortable in my own body and I don’t care who sees it. It just matters who touches it.

        “You should put on some clothes, you know.” Gabriel chuckled to himself.

        “I’m comfortable.” I took a large bite of my toast.

        “Yeah, well I’m not.” His voice had a hint of seriousness but I ignored it.

        “Then deal with it.” I stuck my tongue out. We both jumped again as his toast popped out of the toaster.

        “I’m sorry about yesterday.” Gabriel blurted out. I shot my head towards his direction to see his eyes wide open. He seemed just as shocked as I was by his words.

        I asked, “What do you mean?” Was it about the crying in front of me or telling me he wanted to kiss me?

        “Changing things between us.” He voice was flat.

        “What’s changed?” Of course, I knew things would be different.

        Gabriel took a step closer to me. “I was up all night thinking about you, you know. I know you’ve heard this before and probably a thousand other times.” He took a deep breath. “For a while now, I’ve wanted to feel your soft lips on mine.” He took another step closer and my body stiffened. “Oh, what I’d do to kiss you.” He whispered softly into my ear.

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