Chapter 13

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        When I was getting ready for the party, Nick slept on my bed. We spent all night up comparing our music tasted. Mine consisted of Drake and Hollywood Undead while his was Avenged Sevenfold and Slipknot. But when I was going to leave for the party, Nick said he “wished to talk to Scott.” Scott was spending the night in, watching movies by himself.

        I pulled my curling iron out from one of my vanity drawers, plugged it in, and turned it on. “Why are you trying to look to pretty?” Nick asked and peaked his head out from under the covers.

        “I have to look perfect just in case I might get laid.”  I said sarcastically. I sat at the edge of the bed and smiled at Nick. He rolled his eyes and hid back under the covers. I gave him a kiss on the head through the blankets and went back to my heating curling iron. I didn’t want my hair too curly. I just my hair to be a little wavy curly.

        When I was done with my hair, I had to get dressed. I went into my closet and pulled out an average crop top and a pair of high wasted jeans.

        “Stay under the blankets. I’m about to get changed.” I said to Nick, hitting the lump that was him under the blanket.

        “Will do, love.” He spoke tiredly.

        I quickly changed and yanked the blanket off of Nick and onto the floor. He grumbled and tried to grab them. “Wake your tush up.” I slapped his butt and put on my shoes.

        “But your bed is so comfy.” He cuddled into my pillow and shut his eyes. A huge precious smile was on his face.” He sat up with the pillow in his arms. I don’t know why but there was something about his ruffled brown hair and facial bones that made me want to tackle him and kiss the rest of the day.

        “But I have to leave.” I smiled. “And no boys in my room while I’m not there!”

        “I’m hardly a boy.” Nick’s smile transformed into a smirk and he winked.

        I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re just oh so tough, bad boy. But really, get out of my room.” I widened my smile and opened the door.

        A groan escaped Nick’s lips and he whined. “Fine.”  He sluggishly left my room and I followed behind.

        Jordan’s car was waiting for me outside. I walked quickly to her car. The wind made the air seem colder than it actually was outside. I left my phone and belongings in the house. “Hey, girl, how’s it going?” She asked.

        “It’s going well. Are you ready for this party?” I asked.

        While the people in the car were talking, I tried to picture what the house would look like. I had a good feeling about how the scenery was going to be. Since I was told it was a mansion, I bet it would have a huge front lawn and very short green grass. There would probably be some form of balcony in every bedroom and chandeliers hanging in the hallways.

        As we got inside the house, I had proven myself right. And the bathroom sink was marble. I wasn’t shocked though. The area we’re in has at least 5 houses on every block because of how spread out they are due to big yards.

        The second thing I did was go to the kitchen. I was craving a drink. It was hard to navigate to the kitchen because of the amount of people who were there. It was too crowded but most of the people were on the makeshift dance floor.

        After a few drinks, I made my way to the second floor, almost falling over with each step. I couldn’t help but smile at every person I saw. For some people, I waved as if I knew them but I couldn’t be sure.

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