Chapter 17

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        I woke up to my loud music playing in my ears and a faint mumbling. I opened my eyes to be greeted by the bright kitchen light. I groaned, covering my eyes as quick as my waking body could.

        “What do you want?” I yawned, sitting up on the island. My eyes met Nick’s. He seemed calm and that didn’t stop my stomach from dropping.

        “I’m sorry, love.” Nick said softly. He looked at his feet. “Just this morning I said we were friends.  I didn’t have the right to get all pissed off that you and Hunter were making out on your bed.”  As much as I wanted to speak, nothing came out of my mouth so Nick continued. “I like you so much and I suppose I gave off the wrong impression by saying we were just friends. I do want to be more than that but with all the things going on around me, I can’t afford that.”

        When I was finally able to talk, it came out almost like a whisper. “It’s my fault. I guess I was just hurt.” I lifted his chin so he’d look at me.  “Forgive me?” I smiled shyly.

        Nick wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted me off of the island. “How could I not, love?” I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pressed his lips against mine quickly. I couldn’t help but blush like a fool.

        I smiled wide and kissed Nick’s nose. “I’m glad we’re okay.” It was true.

        “Me too.” He smiled wide and put me down. I swear his face is angelic.

        “So, how was your day?” I asked, not wanting to be away from him. I was too happy at the moment.

        “Horrible.” He chuckled. “I spent the entire time thinking about you. I went from angry to regretful. But now, I’m happy.”

        I kissed him one last time, because I didn’t know what to say, running upstairs, only to have him chase me. Before I could get to my bedroom door, he grabbed my waist and kissed my neck. Well, he tried to kiss my neck but it was mostly hair.

        I giggled and turned around to face him. Nick’s brown eyes sparkled and the shadow that outlined his face made his facial bones more defined. His hair had started growing a little above his shoulders. It was almost the length of Hunter’s hair.

        “You know I think you’re amazing and some other things.” Nick smirked; his hands wrapped themselves around me.

        “’And some other things’? What’s that supposed to mean?” I slapped his chest playfully.

        “You’ll find out soon enough, love.” He smiled and picked me up bridal style.

        “Tell me now!” I whined.

        “In soon time!” Nick laughed and put down on my bed. He laid down beside me and played with my hair.

        I crossed my arms and pouted. “I want to know now.” I demanded.

        Nick shook his head and started kissing my neck softly. I tilted my head slightly and closed my eyes.

35 Days Later; Finals week

        “Can’t someone else go for you?” I whined, hugging Nick tightly.

        “I’m sorry, love. All the others are going too. I will see you in a few days. I’ll be gone two weeks at most.” Nick kissed the top of my head and lightly rubbed my back.

        “What about school? Will I see you then?” I frowned and kept my arms wrapped around him.

        “No. But when I get back, I’ll stay by your side. Good luck on your finals, love.” Nick smiled warmly but I could see the sadness in his eyes. He and the others were leaving for Pennsylvania to solve an “issue” that I wasn’t allowed to know about.

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