Chapter 5

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When I woke up, my head hurt too much to move. Normally I don't get hangovers. Nor do I think I drank enough to actually get one. 

        Once I finally got the courage to stand, I immediately fell from a head rush. "Ow.." I mumbled under my breath. I looked around the room and noticed it wasn't mine. How did I get here? Why was I even here? What did I do? I left the room and looked around the hallway. I heard the shower turn off. I could see the steam seeping through the cracks of the door. I knew I was going to have to pass the bathroom in order to go down the stairs and out the door. 

        Quickly, I grabbed all the belongings of mine that I could find and tried to quietly sneak out. While putting on my socks, my body met with another. I tried to save myself from falling by holding on to the person but that turned into me on top of them on the floor.

       "I knew you wanted to sleep with me but I didn't think you were this desperate, baby girl." Chris said with a large smirk plastered on his face.

        "I do not!" I yelled defensively.

        "Sure sure babe. If you were telling the truth, you would be on top of me right now."

        I quickly got off Chris and felt my cheeks turn red. Chris stood up and let his towel fall off his waist. I turned away and picked my dropped things up from the ground. "Chris, what am I doing in your house, let alone waking up in your room?" I asked, still facing away from him.

        "Don't you remember sweet cheeks?" He started, "You got a little too drunk last night and I offered to make sure you got home safe." Not for a minute did I believe that happened.

        "I only had a drink or two. And didn't you have a girl glued to you? Why isn't she here?" I asked.

        "I didn't sleep with her. I'm saving myself for you, baby girl." Chris said in a smooth tone, walking into my eyesight with the towel wrapped around him. His hair was still wet and pushed away from his face. I looked into his hazel green eyes and scoffed.

        "You? Save yourself? You've had more sex than I have." I laughed in Chris' face. It was true. 

        "Oh yeah? How many times have you had sex?" Chris asked. Truth is, it was a large number. It just wasn't with different people. I had dated a boy, Jake, in 9th grade who passed away of cancer at the start of the summer. Since then, I haven't had sex. But I wasn't exactly opposed to it. I just wanted to find someone who wouldn't jump right into it. And I tested almost every guy I found attractive.

        "Enough to know you've done it more." I rolled my eyes. Enough rumors have gone around about the topic of me and sex that I didn't care anymore. "Anyways, if I slept in your bed, where did you sleep?" 

        "Couch." He nodded towards where the living room would be if we were on the first floor. "I'm going to go change now. If you want to join, come right ahead." Chris headed into his room, leaving the door open. I walked downstairs and set my things down in the living room. I took a plastic bag out of the linen closet and put my things inside. Chris came downstairs and sat on the couch, dressed in jeans and a plain blue shirt. "How'd you know where that was?" He asked, taking the bag and looking inside it. 

        "I've been to your house enough times to know where everything is, Chris." I said. Chris and Scott were friends since 4th grade so I was that annoying little sister that was forced to come over on play dates. Chris and I were friends until Jack passed away. Jack, Chris, Scott, and the rest of the gang were inseparable. After Jack's death, everyone became distant but went back to being friends a few months after. Jack's death really hit Chris and his family the most. Jack's family were friends with Chris' family but as far as I know, they don't talk anymore. 

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