Chapter XLIII

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Everything escalated so quickly. After meeting with the first secretary, Camelia, Noctis and Lunafreya were allowed to go through with the rite. But Angelica and the boys had to aid in the evacuation of the citizens. Soon enough, after Lunafreya's speech, the Hydraean was awakened, and at the same time, the empire moved in to interfere so that the covenant couldn't be forged.

Once Angelica had finished in her evacuation duty, she met up with Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto. By then, the area around the alter of the Tidemother had become a war zone. Titan appeared to defend the King and Oracle, successfully fighting off Leviathan and taking down as many imperial ships as possible. Angelica and the boys were racing toward the alter when a crashing ship split them up.

Angelica, Gladio, and Prompto were on one side of the bridge they'd been crossing while Ignis was in the water below. "Ignis!" the girl called into her earpiece. "Are you okay?! Please respond!"

After a few moments, there was a reply. "Yes, I'm fine."

Angelica sighed in relief. "Good. Just stay where you are, I'm coming to find you."

"No." Ignis's protest made her stop in her tracks. "I'm afraid there isn't time for that. I need you three to occupy the imperials as best you can while I make for the alter. Noct needs us."

Angelica hesitated. This was one of those times when she'd have to set aside her feelings and uphold her responsibility. It was her job to serve and protect the royal family, and she knew she couldn't let Noctis down. Gladio snapped her out of her thoughts when he tugged on her arm.

"C'mon, we gotta go. Iggy can take care of himself."

Angelica nodded. "Okay, you're right. Good luck, Ignis."

"Same to you three," he responded through the earpiece.

"Uh, guys?" Prompto said, getting their attention. "We've got company!"

Imperial troops and magiteks were heading for them. They summoned their weapons, ready for a battle. Angelica's group moved throughout sections of the city, taking out troops who moved in while trying to find their own route to Noctis. It was definitely tiring, but they pushed onward. They stayed in touch with Ignis, who was also having difficulty reaching the alter. Seemed the empire really didn't want them to interfere.

Everything had been dragged out for so long that it was turning night and rain had begun to fall. Filled with determination, Angelica kept going. Having lost contact with Ignis, she was worrying about both his and Noctis's safety. By the time they reached the alter, the area had quieted. There was no more fighting. The rainfall was about the only thing that could be heard. The three set their sights on their two friends. Both were lying on the ground.

"Noct!" Prompto shouted, hurrying to the young king's side.

"Ignis!" Angelica yelled at almost the same time as Prompto.

Gladiolus took notice of the white-haired man standing by. Ravus silently walked past them, not a word leaving his lips. The shield watched him momentarily. While none of them knew what Ravus's presence meant, they didn't dwell on it. Their current focus was on their friends. Prompto scanned over Noctis, making sure he was okay.

Angelica was on her knees beside Ignis. He was a mess. His glasses were missing, his hair was disheveled and hung down across his forehead, and he had what looked like odd scaring across his left eye. Fortunately, he was still conscious at the moment. Angelica leaned down, slipping an arm under his head and lifting him up slightly.

"Ignis, what happened to you? Are you okay?"

"Long story," he weakly responded. "But I'm alive, at least... And you? Are you... alright?"

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