Chapter XXX

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Angelica curled up on her bed, hugging her arms tightly. The room was dark and empty. Angelica had gone straight to her and Iris's room at the motel. All of her friends had gone to get something to eat upon their return from Fort Vaullerey. But she really wasn't in the mood to socialize, not after what she'd done. Her eyes watered with tears that threatened to fall.

"What's becoming of me? Am I so murderous that I'd turn on my friends?" Her voice was quiet and trembled with each word she mumbled. "Sometimes I really hate myself."

Her rumbling stomach forced her off the bed. She quietly left the dark room in search of a snack, hoping she didn't run into her friends. Though fortunately for her, they were gathered at the diner, eating and talking. Angelica watched them momentarily through the windows. They looked to be having a good time, smiling and laughing. The girl sighed in disappointment and went to the food truck to buy some snacks.

Meanwhile, the group inside were telling Iris about their infiltration of Fort Vaullerey. The brunette was overjoyed to hear it all. The riveting tales of her friends' adventures always fascinated her. Noctis happened to glance outside, seeing Angelica walking away from the food truck with a bag of chips and crackers. His friends followed his gaze, noticing the girl as well.

Noctis suddenly got up and hurried to the diner entrance. "Hey, Angel!" he called. "Feel free to join us!"

Angelica glanced back at him before taking off, running back to the motel. Noctis watched with confusion while Prompto came over beside him. "What do you think's wrong with her?"

"I believe I have an idea," Ignis said, earning everyone's attention. Noctis and Prompto sat back down to hear what he had to say. "During our operation, I was forced to restrain her. Of course, Angel being Angel, she lashed out at me." He lightly traced the cut along his cheek.

"Ah, I was wondering how you got that," Gladio responded.

Iris frowned. "So, Angel's probably beating herself up about it."

Ignis nodded. "My point exactly."

"So, like, she's punishing herself for attacking you?" Prompto questioned.

"Well obviously," Noctis answered him.

Iris rose to her feet. "I'm gonna go talk to her, girl to girl."

Iris left the diner. Silence fell over the guys as they finished eating. They then left for the motel. Approaching their room, they saw Iris standing at the door to her room. She looked at them with worry etched on her face.

"Angel locked me out. She won't open the door or even answer. I'm starting to really worry."

"We could ask the owner for a spare key," Gladio suggested.

"As long as we don't drag the owner into our affairs," Ignis said. They watched the bespectacled man leave and go to the front desk where an elderly man was. "Pardon me, but our friend seems to have locked herself out of her room. Might you open her door for her?"

The man smiled. "No problem, I have the master key to open all the rooms." The motel owner followed Ignis to where the others were. He stuck the key in the door's lock and turned it, causing it to click in response. He opened the door slightly. "There. You kids be careful with your keys now."

As soon as the man left, everyone piled inside. The room was dark and Angelica lay curled up on her bed, her back to them. Her phone was beside her, playing some music, though it was low and they couldn't hear it well. The redhead covered her ears with her hands and tried to force back her tears. She heard everyone's footsteps as they entered. Noctis took a step forward.

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