Chapter X

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Angelica sighed in annoyance. She stuffed her measuring tape in her pocket and pulled out her phone. She typed out, "Noctis, where are you?" She sent the message.

After a moment, there was a reply. "Why do you need to know?"

"Because I need your measurements so I can get started on your outfit."

"Can't it wait?" he asked.

She furiously typed, "No. I need to get started on your suit ASAP. Now where are you?"

It was a moment before she got an answer. "...In my old room in the Citadel..."

Angelica rose an eyebrow. She had no idea why he didn't want to be bothered right now. If he wasn't at work, then he shouldn't be busy. And taking measurements would only take a few minutes. She dismissed his odd reply and took an elevator up to the floor where the prince's room resided. She walked down to his room, knocked, then went on in, too impatient to wait for a response. She immediately saw the prince and his advisor, but what had her baffled was the way Noctis was quickly pulling away from the taller boy.

"Angel," Noctis said with alarm. "Y-You got here way faster than I thought you would."

The girl blinked at them. "Do I... wanna know what's going on?"

"I'm positive it's not what you think," Ignis told her. "I'm attempting to teach Noct how to dance."

"Ignis!" Noctis cried with embarrassment.

Angelica nearly burst into a fit of laughter. She struggled to contain herself, placing a hand over her mouth as her shoulders shook. It took her a few minutes to regain her composure enough to speak. "Let me get this straight, the prince of Lucis... can't dance."

"I-It was never something that came up," Noctis quickly explained. "Why do I have to go to the stupid ball anyway?"

"His Majesty requires your presence there," Ignis answered. "Now if only you could take three steps without stomping on my toes."

"Not my fault you're so tall," the prince grumbled.

Angelica shook her head and sighed. "Well, I'll only be a minute. I really need your measurements." She walked over to him, slipping her measuring tape out of her pocket. "Arms out, please."

Ignis stepped back, giving the two the room they needed. Noctis straightened up and stretched his arms out. Angelica got to work taking his measurements. It only took a few minutes until she had everything written down in her notepad.

"There, finished. Dance away."

"Actually..." Angelica paused on her way to the door, looking back at Ignis. "Do you think you'd be able to lend a hand in Noct's dance lessons? He claims that my stature is what's causing him to make mistakes."

The girl sighed, slipping her notepad and measuring tape into her pocket. "I guess I can stay for a bit. It is my job to serve the royal family, after all."

She walked back over to them. "Wait, you can dance?" Noctis questioned. "I never would've imagined an assassin doing something so... not assassin-like."

"Let's just say, I have many skills. And being an assassin doesn't mean I can't do ordinary things. Besides, it's not so different from combat. If you can fight, then you should be able to dance." Ignis went over to the CD player, turning it on to the ballroom music they'd been using to practice. Angelica got in front of the prince. "Now c'mon, give me your hand."

She held her hand out. He took it and let her place her other hand on his shoulder while his went to her waist. "Take it one step at a time," she instructed, "and follow my lead."

She took a step, and he followed. Ignis watched on, keeping a close eye on Noctis's footwork. But after a few minutes, the prince's foot came down on top of Angelica's, crushing her toes. She winced and hissed, pulling away from him.

"Ah, sorry," he apologized.

She narrowed her eyes and growled lightly in annoyance. But she took a calming deep breath and said, "If you were anyone but the prince, I'd break your foot."

Ignis cut off the music. "Seems my height doesn't factor in at all."

Angelica shook her head. "Nope. Noct's just terrible at this."

"Hey!" the prince retorted. "I'm trying, alright?! It's harder than it looks!"

"Give it another go," his advisor said.

With the music going once more, the two tried to dance but ended up with Noctis stepping on the girl's feet yet again. Ignis watched them, taking the time to not only study the prince's clumsy footwork, but also Angelica's grace and experience at it. She definitely knew what she was doing. After several failed attempts, the redhead was sick of the throbbing pain in her toes.

"I give up. You're hopeless." She turned and headed for the door. "Good luck."

"Oh, before I forget," Noctis, said, causing the girl to pause and look back at him. "I was thinking of having a little party at my place before the ball where all of us can just hang out and have fun. Think you could make it?"

She smiled lightly. "I can make the time. It sounds like fun. Just keep me posted, and DON'T step on my feet again."

"Will do."

She left the two to continue practicing. She smiled to herself as she walked down the hall. A party... and I was invited. She had never attended a friendly get-together before. Back in school, there had been dances and parties, but she never went to any of them. People didn't want her there. But now, she had friends who openly invited her to join them for fun activities. It felt nice to finally fit in.

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