Chapter XXIV

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Everything had happened so quickly. After going to the outlook, the group met the man known as Ardyn, who escorted them to meet with the Archaean. Noctis obtained another royal arm, but was then tasked with a trial from Titan. A huge battle ensued, with imperial troops interfering. In the end, Noctis was blessed with Titan's power and the group was forced to flee aboard Ardyn's ship, who revealed himself to be the chancellor of Niflheim.

It was a constant struggle for Angelica not to simply kill him, but it was Noctis's orders that stopped her. And now there they were, dropped off near the Chocobo Post with their car missing. They gave Cindy a call to help track down the Regalia, but it would take some time. In the meantime, the gang rented chocobos as their mode of transportation while searching for their vehicle.

It was nearing night and the group was setting up camp. Ignis was arranging his cookware, Gladio was pitching the tent, and Noctis and Prompto were left to set up the chairs. Angelica felt as if the whole thing was a waste of time. She stood by herself on the slope of rock that led up to the haven and connected to the ground below. She leaned back against the hard stone with her arms crossed, wanting no part of the others' activities. She had a lot on her mind about Ardyn and the Astrals, along with the idea of vengeance. There was so much that needed to be done, yet no one was doing a thing and it irked her.

"I sure hope Cindy can find the Regalia," Noctis said, breaking the silence.

"Oh, she'll find her," Prompto replied confidently. "Cindy's the greatest." He hummed in content.

"Less daydreaming, more working, loverboy" Gladio interrupted.

Ignis gathered the ingredients he needed for the recipe he had planned. "Only a matter of time before we receive word on the car. For now, we'll see what we can find in our own search."

"Hey, Angel?" Noctis called, only able to see the top of her head.

The girl straightened and walked up the slope of rock to the top where the others were. "Yes, Highness?"

"Mind getting some firewood?"

"That's why I'm here." She wore a neutral expression and expressed no emotion in her voice. "Be back in a few."

The girl hopped down off the rock and disappeared into the darkness. She knew the surrounding area would be safe since the runes of the haven would ward off daemons. She took her time, grumbling to herself as she collected wood.

"Is this what I've been reduced to? Pathetic. Why are we wasting time when there's an empire to take down? Knew I should've gone on my own. Curse my loyal nature."

She didn't actually mean half the things she was muttering, she simply needed to vent. After she gathered as much wood as she could carry, she went back to the camp. She marched over and dropped the firewood within the ring of stones in the middle of the haven.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"How about lending me a hand with supper?" Ignis suggested.

"Sure," she answered simply.

She joined the advisor at the table where meals were prepared. Ignis flashed her a small smile as she began cutting up vegetables while he fried fish over the stove. "This certainly brings back memories of cooking together."

Angelica continued her task, not smiling, not even glancing at the man beside her. "Yeah, I guess."

Ignis immediately picked up on her mood. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine."

She sighed with aggravation. "Just drop it, okay? It's nothing."

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