Chapter IX

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There were nearly two weeks left until the ball. Angelica had finished up King Regis's suit and had it fitted to perfection. The king quite liked her handiwork and appreciated her skill with a needle. But now Angelica had to restock on thread and material before she could start on Noctis's outfit. She was walking down the halls, reading over the list she had made herself. She looked up upon hearing Gladiolus's voice.

"Iris, I've told you before, you can't go wandering around the Citadel. Remember what happened before?"

Angelica saw the brunette pouting at her older brother. "Oh c'mon, that was a long time ago! I just wanted to bring Dad his favorite lunch!"

Angelica had met Iris several times before, but she had never been that close to her. And while Iris had asked to hang out with the redhead quite a bit, Angelica was often too busy with her duties for a simple "girl's day". She walked over to the siblings.

"Gladio, Iris," she greeted.

"Hi, Angel," Iris replied, smiling brightly. "Is it true what my brother said? Are you really an assassin?"

Angelica's eyes widened slightly and she clamped a hand over the brunette's mouth. She then sent Gladio a glare. "You told her?"

The muscular man shrugged. "She's my sister, she can be trusted."

Angelica glanced around and released the girl. "Just don't go mentioning it in public, okay?" she warned.

Iris nodded. "I know, I won't. So, hey, are you busy right now?"

Angelica glanced at the list in her hand. "Sorta. I've got to restock on materials for Noct's suit."

"Can I come with you?" the brunette asked. "I don't have school today. Besides, we don't really get enough time to talk, just us girls."

"Iris, I'm sure Angel's got a lot to do-"

"It's alright," the redhead interrupted with a small smile. "She can come too. It's just simple restocking."

Iris cheered while Gladio crossed his arms. "Okay," he said with a sigh. "Just keep an eye on her."

Angelica chuckled. "I promise she'll be safe with me."

The tattooed man nodded, letting his little sister follow Angelica. Leaving the Citadel, the two girls went to Valerie's car. Angelica always had a spare key to her mother's vehicle, just in case she needed to run an errand. The girl's climbed in and headed out to where all the shops and stores were in the city. It was mostly small talk between them as Iris helped the older girl carry bags of supplies to the car and followed her through the stores.

By the time they were finished, it was close to evening. They drove back to the Citadel where they carried everything to Angelica's work room. The redhead carefully put everything away in its proper place, liking her room to be neat and tidy. Iris looked around at the design sketches for various clothing and tapestries. There was one for a dress that really caught her eye.

"Oh wow!" Iris exclaimed. "That dress is beautiful! Who's it for?"

Angelica glanced over at the one she was looking at, a small smile gracing her lips. "Me. It's for the ball. Though I don't know if I'll be able to finish it in time. Noct's suit comes first."

"Well I hope you finish it. I can tell just from the picture that it'll be amazing."

"Thank you. C'mon, let's go find your brother."

The two left the room and walked down the hall. Angelica immediately spotted a certain Crownsguard member coming their way. The young man with short, messy brown hair waved to them. "Hey, Angel!" Angelica groaned in annoyance as he hurried over to them. The man's hazel eyes landed on Iris. "And you're Gladiolus's sister, right?"

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