Entry 1#

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Guess I should just start writing down what I've done today eh? No? I don't know.....life's just been so hard on me lately. High school's just around the corner and summer feels like it's almost over! Sigh. Today, Mum and I decided to go to the flea market leaving my other siblings at home. Mum practically dragged me to the jewerly section to see the cheapest wrist watches because Lord knows! Lord knows she cannot understand why other people involved are not interested in watches like they 'should be'. Her words not mine. So, how did I end up getting this 200 page jounral? Funny story actually.....a young male who looked to be 15, 16 actually came on by offering a discount on a bunch of jounrals. I actually found him quite attractive! And I mean in the handsome way. But I wasn't head over heels for him. No, I followed my heart and my heart wanted me to develop relationships first.........so of course, I offered him what remained of my allowance and bought two jounrals. Somehow, he managed to give me his phone number. When I held that number in my hand, I knew he wanted something to do with me.

Mum finally moved on from the jewelry section and we went shopping for food! We bought some soft tacos, Cheese Its, Fruit Loops, and lots of other things. Our total had been $104.72 plus tax. We got into the van and drove back to our apartment. We entered the apartment to find Samuel smoking the infamous Mary Jane in the middle of the room. Mum threw a fit and grounded him for it. To be honest, Samuel really got a lot of attention later on in the day. No one would shut up about it at dinner!

Thus, here I am.
Sitting on top of my bunk bed in a dark corner of my room.

Strangers Of GloryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora