Chapter 16; I'll go knock some sense into him

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"Philomene?" Hermione called softly as she  cracked the door open, "are you alright?"

"No," was the answer, accompanied with muffled sobs. Hermione took a deep breath before opening the door and walking into the room. Philomene sat on the edge of her bed, curled up and crying into her knees. She did not acknowledge Hermione's presence, so the older girl decided to walk across the small room and sit on the bed, next to Philomene.

"What happened?" Hermione asked, with a gentle tone.

Philomene looked up at Hermione, her eyes red and puffy and her cheeks wet wih tears. "Why is it so bad to be a Potter?" she whined.

Hermione was taken aback. "It's not bad," she said, "What could possibly have happened to make you say that?"

Philomene began to spill. "Everyone hates me because I'm his sister. They think I'm just making it up, and that all I ever wanted was to 'get in on the glory'," she said.

Hermione scoffed. "How could they say things like that?" She shook her head slowly, in dissapointment.

Philomene takes a deep breath before revealing what had been bothering her the most. "And now Draco's shunning me." she said with finality. She couldn't help but notice the tiny relieved smile that tugged at Hermione's lips for a second. Then it was gone.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Hermione asked, "No, stop." She put up her hand, and Philomene closed her mouth, swallowing her answer.

"I'll go knock some sense into him, no matter how much I hate it." Hermione said firmly, her hands balled up at her sides. She stormed out of the room with an unknown intensity.

Philomene looked at the door in awe, never having seen Hermione like this before.

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